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GroundWorx™ Basics Static Conductive Poured ESD Epoxy Floor Coating | ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014

GroundWorx Basics is a budget friendly, static conductive 2 component abrasion resistant water based durable system designed for superior anti-static protection of interior concrete floors, wood, VCT tile in electronics manufacturing, assembly and ESD protected areas. Surface resistivity measures 2.5 x 104 – 3.5 x 107 ohms per square average.  System Resistance (w/ ESD Footware) < 3.5 x 107 (fully compliant) ANSI/ESD STM 97.1. Conforms to ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014 when tested according to ANSI/ESD STM7.1 GroundWorx EC combines permanent conductivity, durability and value for applications requiring an inexpensive, easily installed ESD floor coating.

Despite the low cost, GroundWorx Basics meets or exceeds all the recommended guidelines for static control flooring ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014.

Comes in a two part, 4 gallon kit.  Each kit contains (4) 1 gallon containers Part A resin and (4) small containers of Part B catalyst which allows mixing small in increments of 1 gallon for easiest application.  GroundWorx installs in a minimum of two coats in a matte finish. This ESD floor coating was specifically engineered for situations where a substantial investment in high-end flooring might not be justified because the floor space may be temporary or redeployed for other usage in the future. Despite its low cost, GroundWorx ESD Epoxy meets the static control flooring requirements of ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014 (S97.1 and S97.2), DOD 4145.26M, HDBK263A.

GroundWorx is a two part polymeric ESD epoxy coating that can be applied by both novices and professionals. Many of our clients actually apply their GroundWorx ESD floor themselves.

PRIMER:  For applying directly to VCT, ceramic tile, vinyl, linoleum or asbestos mastics, cutback and carpet glues with minimal preparation consider our Perfect Primer Sealer.

TOPCOAT: Optional:  None required.  For additional physical protection as a low cost sacrificial option and decorative gloss, use the CoatZF ESD Low-Voc Dissipative Clear Floor Finish

GroundWorx is extremely easy to repair; it’s ideal for challenging applications like warehouses and fork lift applications. GroundWorx can even be installed in occupied spaces with adequate ventilation. GroundWorx SF provides a seamless matte finish to almost any sub-floor surface and comes in a 4 gallon kit.

Available in 6 colors.  Pewter Gray available in 4 gallon kits for immediate shipment.  Platinum Gray available in 4 gallon kits with 4-5 week lead time.  All other colors require minimum 40 gallon order and 4-5 week lead time before shipping. For floor projects requiring static dissipative performance, please see our Groundworx Static Dissipative ESD Epoxy in the range of 10e6 to 10e9 ohms.

We offer the option to include a 1/2″ wide copper grounding strip for grounding to earth grounds. Copper is 1.4 mil thickness (2.6 mil thickness with the conductive adhesive backing).  Recommend at least 1 grounding strip every 1,000 sq’ of project surface area.  See the guide:  HOW TO GROUND ESD COATINGS

For cleaning and maintenance of your GroudWorx SF epxoy floor, recommend the StaticWorx TriboClean to clean and renew the anti-static properties.  To extend the life of the GroundWorx Expoxy Floor Coating, recommend application of the GroundWorx CoatZF coating.

For floor surfaces subject to heavy wheeled traffic use including forklift and pallet jack traffic, we offer our GroundWorx Ultra Coating System which includes a high performance 2 part 100% solids epoxy basecoat and high solids 2 part urethane topcoat for excellent ESD anti-static control in a physically demanding environment. For more information on anti-static floor systems, see our video library.

Where is GroundWorx Basics typically used?

  • Electronic Assembly
  • Test, Repair and Handling
  • Data and Telephony Closets
  • BGA rework
  • Shipping, Receiving, Warehouses
  • Leased spaces
  • Pallet drop zones
  • Box build
  • SMT
  • Any space requiring permanent low cost ESD flooring.

Why GroundWorx Basics ESD Anti-Static Paint?

  • Water – based epoxy, matte finish
  • Conductive range 2.5 x 104 – 3.5 x 107 ohms
  • System Resistance (w/ ESD Footware) < 3.5 x 107 (fully compliant) ANSI/ESD STM 97.1
  • Great low cost solution for concrete, wood, VCT Tile floors
  • Extended working time – POT life 40+ minutes
  • Quick turnaround – Light traffic 12 hours after application
  • Simple, easy to apply formula for novices and professionals
  • Easy to maintain
  • See sample ESD Control Program Template for company
  • Lifetime Conductive Properties per ANSI/ESD S7.1-2005
  • Meets ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014 (S97.1 and S97.2), DOD 4145.26M, HDBK263A
  • Provides guaranteed system resistance below S20.20 upper limit of 35 Meg-ohms
  • Good chemical & abrasion resistance
Color 3 colors to select from
VOC 350 g/L
Sheen/Gloss Level  Matte finish
Dry Time 5-7  hours to touch
#Coats Recommended 2 coats
Material Type Epoxy 2 component
Application method Airless sprayer, roller, brush
Solids  37% +/-1%
Back in-service Time 12 hours for light traffic
POT Life Must use all product within 6 hours
pH level 6.0 – 7.0
Hardness 30 (Sward)
Slip Resistance > 0.5 SCOF
New Concrete Cure Wait 30 days before application
Warranty Available  Yes, see Documents Tab Above
Full Chemical Cure  5-7 days
Packaging  Each 4 gallon kit comes with (4) 1 gallon pails of Part A and (4) 11 oz bottles Part B catalyst to be mixed together

Coverage Rate – 2 Coats recommended Square Feet/Gallon Per Coat
Coat 1 400 – 500
Coat 2 500 – 600
  • Shipped in (4) 1 gallon kits
  • Each kit contains 1 gallon container partially filled with Part A (117 oz colored resin) and separate small 11 oz bottle filled with Part B (catalyst)


New concrete floors should be allowed to cure a minimum of thirty days. Application to floors colder than 60 F is not recommended. Floor surfaces must be free of any release agents, curing compounds, salts or efflorescence before coating. Sweep and then wash floors with an appropriate cleaning product to remove oil, grease, and soil. Follow by etching surface with an etching solution, and then thoroughly rinse with clean water.  Ideal preparation on concrete is to rough up floor mechanically with grinder for a 80 to 100 grit sandpaper like feel.

For concrete surfaces with existing epoxy

Catalyzed GroundWorx™ has a working time of 40+ minutes and therefore, prepare only the quantity necessary for immediate use. Add pre-measured catalyst to epoxy base. Stir gently until the catalyst has been thoroughly mixed in. Allow catalyzed GroundWorx to stand for 2 minutes.

  • Mix one 1 gallon kit at a time (Part A resin 117 oz packaged in 1 gallon container and 11 oz bottle of Part B catalyst).
  • Mix Part A by itself for 3-5 minutes before adding the Part B catalyst.  When ready to proceed, mix in the catalyst for maximum 2 minutes.
  • Use Jiffy Style drill mixer  to mix GroundWorx at very slow speed to minimize introduction of air bubbles
  • You have at least 40 minutes working time to apply once mixed and catalyzed.  Right after mixing, let GroundWorx stand for 2 minutes to catalyze (let sit after mixing A and B)

Use of an improper drill mixer can result in streaking of the color because the pigment has not been thoroughly blended.  It can also create curing problems if the hardener also called activator (Part B) is not thoroughly blended with the resin (Part A) which can cause some areas on your floor to remain soft and not harden properly.  DO NOT USE A PAINT MIXER.  Many mixing problems described above can be traced back to using a paint mixer..  DO NOT HAND MIX as this approach can also result in the same problems as using a paint mixer.


Apply catalyzed GroundWorx with a short-nap lint free 1/4″ or 3/8″ roller cover (suggest 18″ wide for most projects) specifically meant for epoxies applied in thin, uniform coats.   Divide floor into grids.  Each grid should be what you anticipate a gallon kit to cover.   Can apply 2 ways.  Easiest way is to pour catalyzed GroundWorx into roller pan and dip and roll OR pour the mixed and catalyzed 1 gallon kit onto floor in a zig zag ribbon onto floor  Do not leave GroundWorx in the 1 gallon container.

Once GroundWorx is on the floor, roll in a cross hatch pattern (left and right then up and down) with full strokes and a small overlap.  Do not over roll.

The initial coat coverage rate will vary depending on surface applied to.  On bare concrete that has been roughed up, first coat applied at 250-300 sq’.  On smooth non-porous surface such as VCT or tile first coat will cover approximately 400-500 sq’/gallon.  Allow the initial coat to dry for 5-7 hours until dry to the touch then apply a second coat. Second coat coverage is approximately 500 sq’/gallon. A 3rd coat is strongly recommended when applying to bare concrete and can be applied at 500 to 600 sq’/gallon.  For all projects a 3rd coat can be applied for increased physical durability of the GroundWorx coating applied at 500-600 sq’/gallon.

Under normal curing conditions, the finished floor may be opened to light traffic after 12 hours and full foot traffic in 24 hours.  Heavier traffic in 36 hours and complete curing with maximum durability and chemical resistance will take 5-7 days

Electrical Grounding   The GroundWorx SF coating must be grounded to an earth ground once every 1,000 square feet for proper static dissipation. The 1,000 sq’ assumes a continuous surface area.  If there are multiple rooms not connected to the main area, then will need a copper grounding strip for each isolated area even if less than 1,000 sq’.

The EOS/ESD Association provides instruction for proper grounding of ESD equipment and floors. We offer the option to include with the GroundWorx Epoxy, a 1/2 inch-wide copper grounding strip for grounding to earth grounds. Copper is 1.4 mil thickness (2.6 mil thickness with the conductive adhesive backing.

See the following guide on how to properly ground the GroundWorx SF Epoxy for your floor coating system:  HOW TO GROUND ESD COATINGS

If floor has been previously coated, a small area should be cleaned, roughed up by screen disking with an 80 Grit screen. A single application of GroundWorx – SF should be applied over the old coating and allowed to dry. The trial area should be tested for adhesion, lifting, etc. Any areas of the existing coating which display poor adhesion should be stripped. Wash the stripped areas, acid etch, and rinse thoroughly. Allow the floor to dry.

Catalyzed GroundWorx – SF should be used within six hours of mixing, therefore, prepare only the quantity necessary for immediate use. Add premeasured catalyst to epoxy base. Stir gently until the catalyst has been thoroughly mixed in. Allow catalyzed GroundWorx – SF to stand for 5 minutes. Apply catalyzed GroundWorx – SF with a short nap roller in thin, uniform coats.

The initial coat will cover approximately 400-500 ft2 per gallon. Allow the initial coat to dry for 5-7 hours, and then apply a second coat. Second coat coverage is approximately 500-600 ft2 per gallon.  Not required but 3rd thin coat can be added for increased durability.

NOTE: This product is not recommended for applications that experience reoccurring standing water. Finished floors may be opened to light traffic, under normal curing conditions, after 12 hours. Complete curing with maximum durability and chemical resistance will take 5-7 days.


How to Ground an ESD Floor Coating

Maintenance Using Staticworx maintenance products, GroundWorx epoxy is easy to clean and maintain. Simply apply Staticworx Eco Scrub degreaser, followed by ScrubWorx cleaner, and CoatZF Sealer.

NOTICE TO BUYER: DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ON OUR LIABILITY We warrant that our products are manufactured to strict quality assurance specifications and that the information supplied by us is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Such information supplied about our products is not a representation or a warranty. It is supplied on the condition that you shall make your own tests to determine the suitability of our product for your particular purpose. Any use or application other than recommended herein is the sole responsibility of the user. Listed physical properties are typical and should not be construed as specifications. NO WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING SUCH OTHER INFORMATION, THE DATA ON WHICH IT IS BASED, OR THE RESULTS YOU WILL OBTAIN FROM ITS USE. N0 WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE MERCHANTABLE OR THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY IS MADE THAT THE USE OF SUCH INFORMATION OR OUR PRODUCT WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON ANY PATENT. We shall have no liability for incidental or consequential damages, direct or indirect. Our liability is limited to the net selling price of our product or the replacement of our product, at our option. Acceptance of delivery of our product means that you have accepted the terms of this warranty whether or not purchase orders or other documents state terms that vary from this warranty. No representative is authorized to make any representation or warranty or assume any other liability on our behalf with any sale of our products. Our products

GroundWorx ESD Epoxy Floor System Colors
