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  • Overview
  • Specs
  • Coverage Rate
  • Cure
  • Application


7001 Polyurethane Primer is a high performance, versatile, single component, moisture cured, non-toxic primer for superior protection of concrete and steel.  7001 is designed for deep penetration, increased bond strength, wetting and sealing of substrates and exceptional corrosive resistance. It provides superior adhesion, toughness, abrasion resistance and flexibility in a wide range of applications.

7001 Polyurethane Primer “cross-links” with polyurea, EPDM and other materials difficult to bond to when properly applied.  For applications where set times need to be shortened such as in cold weather conditions or time sensitive applications, an accelerator may be used to reduce set time.  Great companion primer with the 5500 Polyaspartic Coating

The 7001 Polyurethane Primer works great as a structural steel primer when used with epoxy, polyurea or polyaspartic topcoats.  When used as primer on concrete surfaces can help prevent or reduce problems associated from concrete outgassing.

Comes in 1 gallon and 5 gallon containers and is available in a non-pigmented clear (amber color).

Moisture resistance underwater   One coat 7001 with two coats of epoxy top coat, per SSPC SP – 10 method for prepared steel.  No delamination, blistering, cracking or softening.  Expected Life minimum under water – 5 years

Salt Water Exposure  Less than 1/32 inch rust creepage at scribed line after 1000 hours of exposure

Available as optional concentrate for non-hazardous international shipping with solvent added at destination. Comes as a clear, honey colored product.


  • Great companion primer with the 5500 Polyaspartic Coating
  • Concrete floor primer prior to epoxy, polyaspartic, polyurea or urethane coating
  • Over steel – tanks and vessels including submerged service
  • A primer for all polyurea applications
  • Over EPDM roofing for polyurea applications
  • Structural steel primer – polyurea, epoxy
  • Cool conditions for expansion joints, airfields, etc.
  • Use with ASTC concrete crack repair products 800/830/4034 when moisture present


  • Concrete & Steel Primer For Epoxy, Urethane, Polyaspartic, Polyurea Coatings
  • Cross-links With Polyurea, EPDM Roofing and other Plastic Materials Difficult to Bond to
  • Deep Penetrating Exceptional 1200 psi Adhesion
  • Superior Corrosion, Abrasion and Water Resistance
  • For Use in Submerged Service Applications
  • Quick 1 hour recoat time (based on temperature/humidity)
  • Semi-flexible & impact resistance
  • Helps reduce concrete outgassing problems for topcoats
  • Moisture Cured easy to use 1 Component
  • Wide application range 35°F – 125°F (1.7°C – 52°C)
  • Available in non-pigmented clear (honey comb color).


Application method Brush, spray, roll
Top Coat Options Excellent adhesion for topcoat of polyurea, epoxy, urethane and other coatings
Color Clear honey colored
Application rate Recommend 2 to 3mils/coat. Apply 2 to 3 coats on severe use applications 5 to 8 mils total
POT Life 8 hours @70°F  Times are lengthened in cold weather.  Use an accelerator to speed up set times
Set time Typically 45 minutes to 1.5 hours (Moisture cured product: high humidity speeds up set time and low humidity slows it down from typical range)
Cure time 2 hours @ 70°F
Adhesion ASTM D4541 1200 psi
Abrasion ASTM D4060 75 mg loss (1000 cycles CS-17 wheel w/1000 gram load
Application Temp Range 35°F t0 125°F
Shelf Life 12 months when stored between 40°F and 100°F
Apply to New Concrete Wait at least 28 days after pouring new concrete


Coverage Per Gallon  225 – 325 Sq’/Gal @2-3 Mils dry film Thickness


Pot Life – 1 gallon volume 45 minutes
Tack Life 1 – 2 hours
Recoat or Topcoat 1 – 3  hours
Light foot traffic 16 – 24 hours
Full cure (heavy traffic) 2 – 7   days

APPLICATION TEMPERATURE: 55-90 degrees F with relative humidity below 75%


PRODUCT STORAGE: Store product at normal room temperature. Continuous storage should be between 60 and 90 degree F.


Concrete must have a minimum 28 day cure prior to application. Remove any curing agent, form release materials, oils, wax, moisture or any material that may effect bonding. *Perform a Moisture Vapor Test before making the coating application on concrete. Clean by abrasive “brush-off” blast. Provide rough profile minimum 2 mils. Review ASTM D4259 Abrading Concrete and ASTM F1869 Measuring Moisture Vapor Emission. Seal/repair all bug holes, cracks and spalls, see ASTC data sheets on 830, 4034 and 3004 (joints). Use an ASTC primer over filled cracks and voids.


For best mixing results and proper blending of parts A and B, recommend a Jiffy Mixer style drill mixer.

Use of an improper drill mixer can result in curing problems if the hardener also called activator (Part B) is not thoroughly blended with the resin (Part A) which can cause some areas on your floor to remain soft and not harden properly.  DO NOT USE A PAINT MIXER.  Most mixing problems described above can be traced back to using a paint mixer..  DO NOT HAND MIX as this approach can result in the same problems as using a paint mixer.

Metal Preparation:  

Round off sharp edges and rough welds. Burrs and weld splatter should be completely removed. Surfaces must be clean, dry and free of any contaminants. Provide a clean rough profile via sanding, grinding or sandblasting. Vacuum the topside of all horizontal and sloped surfaces. Fill pitted steel using ASTC epoxy paste fillers for steel, leave flush with steel surface.

Carbon Steel:

Immersion or Severe Exposures – SSPC-SP-5 Near-White sand blast. Mild Exposures: SSPC-SP10/NACE 2. near-white blast cleaning should have an anchor profile of two mils. Welds, seams, edges, etc. grind/blast smooth and provide 2 mil profile.

Non-Ferrous Metal:

SSPC-SP-7 (Brush-Off Blast Cleaning) Coatings applied to these surfaces may not achieve the same degree of adhesion and toughness.

Curing Time & Temperature:

7001 may be coated over with other products when the product solvent has flashed and the product is just becoming tack free. The set time without the accelerator is based on the environmental temperature. Application temperatures range from 35°F to 125° F.  Allow the product to “flash” its solvent content before applying top coat materials.  If the product is allowed to complete its full cure and becomes hard, the surface must be sanded/abraded to provide a profile to the cured product before applying additional primer. Always apply the top coat or product approximately 1 hour and not longer then 3 hours after the primer has set.


Do not use on wet surfaces or expose to moisture. Keep out of direct sunlight, store on wood pallets at room temperature.

CLEANUP: Use xylol.

RESTRICTIONS: Only recommended for use as primer, not designed as stand alone coating


  • Do not use on wet surfaces or expose to moisture.
  • Keep out of direct sunlight, store on wood pallets at room temperature.
  • Curing is based on humidity in the air, do not apply when humidity less than 30%
  • Be very careful to apply as soon as tack free.  Surface will require sanding for proper bonding in 3-4 hours at 70F-75F
  • For best results use a 1/4” or 3/8” nap roller.
  • Slab on grade requires moisture barrier
  • Substrate temperature must be 5°F above dew point.
  • All new concrete must be cured for at least 30 days
  • Improper mixing or too thick of an application may result in product failure
  • Physical properties listed on this technical data sheet are typical values and not specifications.
  • See tab for application instructions.
  • See Application tab for limitations of our liability and warranty

NOTICE TO BUYER: DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ON OUR LIABILITY We warrant that our products are manufactured to strict quality assurance specifications and that the information supplied by us is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Such information supplied about our products is not a representation or a warranty. It is supplied on the condition that you shall make your own tests to determine the suitability of our product for your particular purpose. Any use or application other than recommended herein is the sole responsibility of the user. Listed physical properties are typical and should not be construed as specifications. NO WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING SUCH OTHER INFORMATION, THE DATA ON WHICH IT IS BASED, OR THE RESULTS YOU WILL OBTAIN FROM ITS USE. N0 WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE MERCHANTABLE OR THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY IS MADE THAT THE USE OF SUCH INFORMATION OR OUR PRODUCT WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON ANY PATENT. We shall have no liability for incidental or consequential damages, direct or indirect. Our liability is limited to the net selling price of our product or the replacement of our product, at our option. Acceptance of delivery of our product means that you have accepted the terms of this warranty whether or not purchase orders or other documents state terms that vary from this warranty. No representative is authorized to make any representation or warranty or assume any other liability on our behalf with any sale of our products. Our products
