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Brown Colored Anti-Slip Aluminum Oxide For Epoxy, Polyaspartic, Urethane Coatings

Our Brown Colored Anti-Slip Aluminum Oxide Additives provide a low cost, extremely aggressive, tough, durable long lasting anti-slip surface when added to pigmented epoxy, polyspartic, polyurea and urethane coatings.  They are made from high grade coarse crystalline alumina that have been converted to corundum form and are fully shrunk during the manufacturing process and produced by sintering calcined alumina at a temperature just under the fusion point of the aluminum oxide, then crushed, graded or screened and ground to their specific powdered particle size.

These brown colored particles have a high thermal conductivity and good resistance to thermal and mechanical shock.  In addition they have a high heat capacity, high electrical capacity and provide excellent abrasion resistance when broadcast or mixed into 2 part high performance floor coatings. Aluminum oxide aggregates provide a more aggressive surface than silica or lighter weight polybead aggregate and are great for industrial and commercial applications where anti-slip and safety requirements are most important and user wants the longest lasting anti-slip additive.

Aluminum oxide is heavier and does not blend as easily as polybeads into the coating and more care is required to make sure they are thoroughly mixed into the coating (aggregate is added to Parts A & B during initial jiffy mixing process) to keep from settling.  For lighter applications of aluminum oxide, aggregate is best applied by broadcasting into the topcoat while wet and then backrolling to fully encapsulate with the coating.

Sold in 3 sizes 2 lb, 13 lb and 26 lb.  Available in 24 grit (extra coarse) and 36 grit (coarse), 60 grit (medium) aggregate size.  Grit size and usage quantity varies with coating and level of safety and non-slip required.

Typical usage is 1 lb for 2-3 gallons coating.  Increase/decrease as required. Recommend small test to understand how much additive will produce your desired results.

How to choose aluminum oxide grit size?  Determine thickness of coating for suggested grit size. 60 grit for coatings 1-3 mils DFT 36 grit for coatings 3-7 mils DFT 24 grit for coatings 7-12 mils DFT Anti-slip aggregates are used primarily to reduce the risk of falls from a wet, slippery surface.

How much anti-slip aggregate to use involves a trade-off between safety, visual appearance and ability to keep clean.  Anti-slip aggregates will reduce the sheen level of a coating and become more visible the greater the application rate.  They can also make it harder to keep clean. Users need to determine there own requirements as every application is different.

Don’t recommend aluminum oxide for applications where people are walking on the surface in bare feet.


  • SSR-20 (2 sizes) are round polybeads that are the least aggressive, least visible and easiest to apply anti-slip.  They are a lightweight additive mixed into the topcoat while mixing Parts A and B.  Not recommended for use in heavy duty commercial or industrial applications or where an aggressive anti-slip surface is required.
  • Silica (4 grit sizes) is a low cost anti-slip for a more aggressive anti-slip protection. It is a heavier additive that is typically broadcast into the topcoat while wet and then backrolled so it is encapsulated by the coating.  It is also more visible and harder to clean than the SSR-20.  It is most commonly used in commercial and industrial applications.
  • Garnet (1 grit size) is a low cost anti-slip that is not quite as hard or tough as aluminum oxide but a step up from silica sand in terms of durability and anti-slip safety.  It comes in brown color so needs to be used in pigment coatings only.
  • Aluminum Oxide (4 grit sizes and 3 colors) is a very tough mineral used for maximum anti-slip protection.  It is the longest lasting, most durable anti-slip aggregate offering the greatest degree of safety on wet surfaces.  However it will also be the most visible and most difficult to keep clean and is not recommended for use in applications where people are walking on it in bare feet. Aluminum oxide is typically broadcast into the topcoat while wet and then backrolled so it is encapsulated by the coating although on heavy broadcast systems can be mixed directly into the coating while mixing parts A and B.   It is used primarily in heavy duty commercial and industrial applications and residential applications where safety is paramount.  White colored used for clear and decorative coating systems and brown colored used for pigmented systems only when a more budget friendly anti-slip soloution is desired.

Where is Brown Aluminum Oxide Aggregate used?

  • Floor Coating Systems when mixed into a pigmented coating
  • Industrial Floor Applications
  • Commercial Store Floors
  • Parking Structure Surfaces
  • Food Packaging, Wet Conditions
  • Garage Floors
  • Entrances & Exit Areas
  • Stairs, Decks & Balcony’s

Why Brown Aluminum Oxide Aggregate?

  • Adds very tough skid resistance & texture profile to a surface
  • Works well with high performance 2 part pigmented floor coatings
  • Does not change physical properties of the coating
  • Well bonded into the body of the coating
  • Long lasting for extended anti-slip performance
  • Excellent in marine environments
  • High hydrolitic stability
  • 3 grit sizes available from 24 grit to 60 grit
  • Low Cost alternative to white colored aluminum oxide for same level of anti-slip performance


Crystal Form Alpha Alumina
Chemical Nature Amphoteric
Specific Gravity 3.95 g/cm3
Loose Pack Bulk Density 1.61 – 1.87 g/cm3
Hardenss Knoop – 2000; Mohs – 9
Melting Point 2000C (3.630F)
Reaction with Acids Subject to mild attack by aqua regia and hot hydrochloric; less attack than brown aluminum oxide
Reaction with Alkalis Very slight with hot strong solutions

TYPICAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ALUMINUM OXIDE (Al2O3)  99.55% TITANIA (TiO2)  0.01% SILICA (Not Free) (SiO2)  0.05% IRON OXIDE (Fe2O3)  0.04% CALCIUM OXIDE (CaO)  0.03% MAGNESIA (MgO)  0.02% ALKALI (Soda & Potash) 0.30%

anti slip chart
