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HyperCURE is a 100% solids epoxy repair kit providing superior flexibility, at rapid cure rates. Its outstanding bonding and flexibility properties makes HyperCURE ideal for the following applications: Repairing cracks, filling in control joints, filling in divots/pits, and applying gel on vertical surfaces.
Comes in 2 quart kit, (1 quart Part A and 1 quart Part B)
PRIMER: None required.
TOPCOAT: Can apply any epoxy, urethane or polysapartic coating system including HyperREZ, Aspartic 85 or Aspartic 100.
Solids | By Weight 100% By Volume 100% |
VOC | <0 g/L |
Colors | Clear |
Recommended Film Thickness | 1/8″ concrete cracks and joints |
Coverage per Gallon | approximately 307 linear feet @1/8″ x 1/8″ |
Packaging | 2 quart kit |
Mix Ratio | 1:1 by volume (2 quart kit = 1 quart part A & 1 quart part B) |
Self Life | 12 months in unopened container |
DOT Classification | 2 Quart kits Consumer Commodity NOS |
Abrasion Resistance | Taber abrasion CS-17 calibrase wheel with 1000g total load & 500 cycles= 43 mg loss |
Adhesion | 400 psi @elcometer (concrete failure, no delamination) |
Viscosity | 1,600,000 cps typical |
Impact | Gardner Impact, direct & reverse= 50 in/.lb. (passed) |
Tensile Elongation | 100% @ASTM D-638 |
Flexural Strength | 1282 @ ASTM D-624 |
Tensile Strength | 2,450 psi @ASTM D638 |
Hardness | Shore D=70 |
Pot Life | 10 minutes |
Gel Time | 10 minutes |
Recoat or topcoat | 15-30 min |
Light foot traffic | 1 hours |
Full cure (heavy traffic) | 2-5 days |
APPLICATION TEMPERATURE: 45-90 degrees F with relative humidity below 85%
Acetic acid 5% | L |
Xylene | L |
Mek | L |
Gasoline | R |
Urea | R |
skydrol | R |
Ethyl Gylcol | R |
50% sodium hydroxide | R |
20% sulfuric acid | R |
Bleach | L |
15% Hydrochloric Acid | R |
10% Nitric Acid | R |
Rating key: – R recommended for continous service L – Limited recommendation, occasional spills
PRODUCT STORAGE: Product must be stored in an area that will bring the product to room temperature prior to using. Continuous storage should be between 60 and 90 degree F. Keep from freezing
SUBSTRATE PREPARATION: To ensure a trouble free bond, all dust, oil, dirt, foreign contaminants and laitance must be removed. It is recommended to perform a moisture test to determine that the concrete is not wet and is able to be repaired. This can be done by placing a 4’X4’ plastic sheet on the substrate and taping down the edges. Once 24 hours has passed, and the substrate is still dry below the plastic sheet, then the substrate does not show signs of eventual hydrostatic pressure problems that may later cause disbonding. This test does not guarantee, however, that there may not be future hydrostatic pressure issues in the future.
PRODUCT MIXING: This product has a one to one mix ratio by volume-merely mix 1 gallon of part A with 1 gallon of part B. Only mix the amount that can be used in the noted pot life period. If the entire kit is going to be mixed, simply pour the entire quart of Part B into the quart of Part A and thoroughly mix until blended and is streak free. If partial batches are made, an example making 8 oz of gel, pour 4 oz of the Part B into a measuring bucket. Scoop out the Part A using a putty knife and place it into the same measuring bucket, compacting it as necessary, until it’s filled to the 8 oz mark. Mix and blend thoroughly prior to using.
For best mixing results and proper blending of parts A and B, recommend a Jiffy Mixer style drill mixer.
Product Application: This is a fast curing product, once mixed you must apply it immediately. Once blended, if left in bucket, the gel will cure in 10 minutes, so it is imperative to determine how much product is needed, make smaller batches if necessary. Use a putty knife or trowel to apply the gel in any crack, divot, or joint. Install the material flush with the floor, trying not to over apply it, causing an elevation in height. This product is ideal when repairing concrete vertically, the viscosity will allow the gel to remain in place without running down.
RECOAT OR TOPCOATING: If grinding the material is desired, allow for full cure. Once the gel has been applied, it is not necessary to wait until it’s fully cured to install a system over it, make sure to not spike into the gel. In a thick mass, the gel will cure in 10-15 minutes, at that point, often times, the system will be applied over the gel.
CLEANUP/FLOOR CLEANING:Use solvents for cleanup. When cleaning the floor, CAUTION! Some cleaners may affect the color of the installed floor. Test each cleaner used in a small area, ensuring no damage occurs.
RESTRICTIONS: Restrict the use of the floor to light traffic and non-harsh chemicals until the floor is fully cured, refer to the cure schedule. Allow the floor to remain completely dry during the curing process
NOTICE TO BUYER: DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ON OUR LIABILITYFloorguard Products® warrants that our products are manufactured to strict quality assurance specifications and that the information supplied by us is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Such information supplied about our products is not a representation or a warranty. It is supplied on the condition that you shall make your own tests to determine suitability of our product for your particular purpose. Listed physical properties are typical and should not be construed as specifications. NO WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING SUCH OTHER IFNORMATION, THE DATA ON WHICH IT IS BASED, OR THE RESULTS YOU WILL OBTAIN FROM ITS USE. NO WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE MERCHANTABLE OR THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY IS MADE THAT THE USE OF SUCH INFORMATION OR OUR PRODUCT WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON ANY PATENT. We shall have no liability for incidental or consequential damages, direct or indirect. Our liability is limited to the net selling price of our product or the replacement of our product, at our option. Acceptance of delivery of our product means that you have accepted the terms of this warranty whether or not purchase orders or other documents state terms that vary from this warranty. No representative is authorized to make any representation or warranty or assume any other liability on our behalf with any sale of our products. Our products contain chemicals that may CAUSE SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY. BEFORE USING, READ THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET AND FOLLOW ALL PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT BODILY HARM.
$64.00 – $2,150.00
Weight | N/A |
Dimensions | N/A |
Color | Black, Clear, Dark Gray, Light Gray, Wheat (Light Tan), White |
Size | 15 Gallon Kit, 3 Gallon Kit, PART A ONLY (1 GALLON), PART B ONLY (1 GALLON) |
Weight | N/A |
Dimensions | N/A |
Size | |
Color | |
Product Material | |
Surface Applied To | |
Manufacturer |
Weight | 165 lbs |
Dimensions | N/A |
Weight | N/A |
Dimensions | N/A |
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