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P3 Marine | Saltwater & Chloride Concrete Protection | Waterproofs | Permanent Salt, Freeze Thaw, Abrasion Improvement | Nano-Technology

P3 Marine offers exceptional concrete protection in the toughest seaside saltwater and winter weather salt and chloride intensive environments.   P3 Marine’s advanced colloidal silica nano-technology offers permanent waterproof concrete protection with dramatically improved chloride salt, abrasion and stain protection vs untreated concrete.   With a deep penetration up to 3″ or more, P3 protects against rebar corrosion and concrete failure from salt and chloride penetration and freeze thaw damage resulting in lowered life cycle and maintenance costs.

P3 Marine is intended for use in areas where the concrete member is exposed to water, especially in cases of the migration ad diffusion of chlorides from saltwater (0.5 miles/0.8 km from shore), splash zones, potential liquid contaminants under hydrostatic pressure, regular and consistent exposure to detrimental conditions, or other similar severe sources of attack mechanisms.

Utilizing a simple one time spray application, P3 penetrates deep into the accessible capillary system, reacting with the available free alkali found within, and primarily forming calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H).This action waterproofs the matrix of the concrete. It can be used at time of placement as the choice for curing and protection, or P3 Marine can be used on existing clean, hardened, permeable concrete.

P3 Marine technology was formulated to reduce the permeability of the concrete surface to reduce the impact of chloride and other salts as well as other contaminants into the concrete in a marine and saltwater environment. With a superior cure (equal to or better than the 28 day moist cure), the need for a curing membrane is eliminated, allowing foot traffic in just one to three hours.

P3 Marine is available in 5 gallon ready to use containers applied at 150 sq’/gallon in a single spray application, even in wet conditions (no standing water) for permanent protection.  Important to do a water absorption test before applying to make sure concrete is porous enough to accept P3 Marine.  See Application instructions.

P3 Marine is available with a 15 year performance warranty against moisture.

Topcoat: None Required.  On existing concrete, can apply any 2 part high performance coating or paint 24 hours after application of P3 Marine.  When P3 Marine is applied to newly poured concrete within 24 hours of the pour, can apply any 2 part coating or paint after only 14 days.


  • Concrete Docks
  • Concrete Piers
  • Concrete Sidewalks
  • Concrete Parking lots and decks
  • Splash Zones
  • Dams
  • Condos/Apartment Complexes
  • Hurricane Prone Areas
  • Concrete in a Marine Environment (within 0.5 Miles/0.8 KM of Salt Water)


  • Exceptional Marine Saltwater and Winter Road Salt Concrete Waterproof Protection from moisture, chloride salt, other contaminant penetration
  • Great for Marine and Inland Waterway concrete infrastructure, docks, ramps, bridges, roads, parking lots
  • Easy Spray Apply Low Tide and Wet Concrete Surfaces Horizontal & Vertical
  • Increased Concrete Durability and Life Span with 1x Permanent Application Using Colloidal Silica Nano-Technology
  • Reduces Depth of Penetration of Water Under Pressure 90% EN 12390-8
  • Improved resistance to Chloride Penetration For Long Term Durability 26% NT-492 (new alt to ASTM C1202)
  • Withstands Min 75lbs+ Hydrostatic Vapor Pressure
  • Resistance to Concrete Freeze / Thaw damage increased 48% ASTM C666
  • Excellent Protection Against Salt Corrosion, Improved 51% ASTM C1556
  • Deep Penetration Min 1.5″+ For Exceptional Results
  • Improved abrasion resistance 58% ASTM C1803
  • Superior new concrete cure (equal to/better than 28-day moist cure), eliminates need for membrane, allows foot traffic 1 to 3 hours
  • Zero VOC
  • 15 Year Performance Warranty Available


Concrete: 150 Square Feet Per Gallon



Specs/Test Data  
ASTM C1556 Bulk Chloride Diffusion 51% (Typical Improvement)
ASTM C666 Freeze/Thaw 48% (Typical Improvement)
ASTM C1803 Abrasion Resistance (Dusting) 58% (Typical Improvement)
Depth of Hydrostatic Penetration EN 12390-8 90% (Typical Improvement)
Chloride Migration NT-492  26% (Typical Improvement)
Color Clear
Odor None
Flammability 0 (non-flammable)
VOC/VOS Content 0.0 g/ml
Clean-up Solvent Water
pH 11.5+/-


Recommended Equipment for Applications

Important: When using an airless sprayer on freshly placed concrete, be sure to adjust pressure settings so that no surface damage occurs. The use of centrifugal pumps is not recommended.

Use a low to medium pressure sprayer complete with an extension wand and fan tip spray size of 0.019-0.021 inches (0.48-0.53 mm) for vertical or overhead applications and fan tip spray size of 0.024-0.031 inches (0.61-0.79 mm) for flatwork applications.

Alternate spray system: Use an agricultural sprayer using an approximate 5 gallons per minute (18.93 liters per minute) diaphragm pump and fan tip spray size of 0.30-0.60 gallons per minute (1.14-2.27 liters per minute) for vertical or overhead applications and fan tip spray size of 0.50-1.0 gallons per minute (1.89-3.79 liters per minute) for flatwork applications. A backpack or Hudson type sprayer should be used if only applying one bucket or fewer of material.

Recommended Application Method

Important: Spray in a 50% overlapping pattern.

For slab applications, hold wand perpendicular to the surface and spray 6 inches (15 cm) from the surface. Apply product using the prescribed application rate for the area. If pooling or dry areas are observed while applying, use a broom to distribute material so that the product remains uniform throughout the application area. Do not allow excess material to dry on the slab. Remove excess P3 Marine product with a foam squeegee, broom, wet vac, or mop.

Note: Product not removed from the slab may become slippery in a wet condition.

Treated area can be opened to foot traffic one hour after treatment and all heavy equipment traffic 24 hours after treatment.

For vertical and overhead applications, hold sprayer wand perpendicular to the surface and spray 6 inches (15 cm) from the surface. Very light and repeated spray passes should be made over the same area using the prescribed application rate. For vertical application, begin at the bottom and go to the top.

Time of Placement

P3 Marine can be used at the time of placement. Application should be performed after final troweling has been completed and concrete can take foot traffic without damage. Final concrete finish must be unburnished prior to application.

Concrete Finish

The concrete surface finish is a key part of the P3 Marine application process. The surface finish should be discussed with the concrete foreman and the superintendent prior to concrete placement. The surface, if hard troweled, should be finished in an open fashion (unburnished), avoiding a burnished or black surface finish. P3 Marine needs a porous (open-matte) finish to penetrate into the concrete and perform as intended. SCP recommends observing the concrete finishers during the finishing process to ensure the concrete is not burnished.

P3 Marine can be applied to hand finished surfaces, broom finished surfaces, and bull floated surfaces.

Note: Extra time may need to be allowed for concrete to set on broom finished surfaces to ensure no damage to concrete from foot traffic


Formed Surfaces

SCP recommends using a reactive, non-petroleum based form release. Use the form release based on the manufacturer’s recommendations. Prior to the application of P3 Marine onto any formed concrete surface, SCP recommends performing a water absorption test to determine if the product will be able to penetrate into the concrete surface.


Accelerators are often used during colder months to accelerate the setting of the concrete. These admixtures will also accelerate the action of P3 Industrial. If these admixtures are used (check batch tickets), applicators should test a small area prior to a full application. Tests should be conducted periodically. A test section measuring approximately 3 ft x 3 ft (0.914 m to 0.914 m) is recommended. Apply P3 Industrial product to this area and wait 15 minutes. If the P3 Industrial product begins to appear milky and turns into a gel or feels very slippery, then the accelerator is still active. Re-test until the product remains unchanged from its normal consistency. Once P3 Industrial remains unchanged on a test area for a minimum of 15 minutes, full application can begin.

Existing Concrete

The concrete surface needs to be structurally sound. If there are any concerns, consult with an engineer on the project or consult with a structural engineer. Any weak or degraded concrete surface or concrete exhibiting signs of scaling, delamination, or spalling must be mechanically removed to achieve a solid substrate. The concrete should be free of contaminants such as dirt, wax, oil, grease, curing compounds, adhesives, paint, or any other material that could prohibit P3 Marine from entering the concrete matrix. Always perform a water absorption test to determine if the product will be able to penetrate into the concrete surface.

Water Absorption Testing

On existing concrete, always perform a water absorption test to determine if P3 Marine will be able to penetrate into the concrete surface. There are standards that describe a method for testing water absorption, such as ASTM F3191. An alternative would be to outline a penny with a pencil and place 5 drops of water inside the marked outline. Monitor the water to see if the water is penetrating into the concrete or moving outside the outline. After two (2) minutes, the water should be absorbed into the concrete without having any bubbling or sheen when viewing the area. The contractor is responsible for choosing the test method and quantity of testing.


The use of moisture vapor reducing admixtures (MVRA), integral waterproofing admixtures, or latex admixtures should not be used when utilizing P3 Marine spray-applied technology.

Topically Applied Concrete Products

There are many concrete additives on the market. Some of these will work in conjunction with P3 Marine, some will not.

If a monomolecular evaporation retarder (MMER) is used on the concrete, the MMER should be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

When specified, curing compounds (ASTM C309 or ASTM C1315 products) can be used but should only be used after the P3 Marine product application. If a curing compound is used prior to the P3 Marine product application, remove the curing compound prior to treatment.

Environmental Conditions

Hot Weather: One of the challenges of hot weather applications is rapid evaporation and unwanted gelling. SCP recommends pre-wetting concrete when surface temperature is above 90°F (32.2°C). Pre-wetting consists of spraying a light coat of water directly in front of P3 Marine product application. This process helps in preventing rapid evaporation of P3 Marine from the surface of the slab, allowing for better penetration into the hot concrete. P3 Marine should be removed before allowing to dry on the slab.

Cold Weather: Challenges faced during cold weather applications include low temperature application, accelerator addition, and shorter days. The minimum air and concrete temperature at which P3 Marine can be applied is 35°F (1.7°C) and rising. If an accelerator is used in the concrete mix, test a small area as described in the Accelerators section of this document. With shorter days during the winter months, longer set times could push P3 Marine application to a later time when temperatures are too cold. Application may need to take place the following morning. If this is the case, the concrete company may need to protect the concrete with blankets or other means.

Rain Event: A rain event is defined as liquid precipitation that is sufficient enough to cause standing water on the concrete structure. If a light mist is observed that causes no standing water, this is not considered a rain event and application does not require interruption.

If a rain event begins during an application, the portion of the slab that has been treated and squeegeed off is considered treated. If a portion of the slab is being treated and not squeegeed when it rains, P3 Marine will need to be reapplied after rain the has stopped. Mark the area last treated so that you have a reference on where to resume application after the rain event. After rain has stopped, the slab should be squeegeed to remove all standing water. Application can continue as normal, beginning after the last treated section of the slab.

Post Application

Traffic: Foot traffic is allowed one hour after application. Equipment traffic is allowed after 24 hours or when the design professional decides the concrete is strong enough to handle the load.

Control Joints: EPC requests that control joints are cut after P3 Marine has been applied. If the control joints are cut prior to the placement of P3 Protect, the area will need to be cleaned to remove the residue dust from the cutting. P3 Marine can react with the dust creating a slick surface.


  • Like fresh concrete itself and other alkaline materials, product may etch glass, shiny aluminum, and brass if left to dry on the surface. Simply remove while wet.
  • DO NOT apply on frozen substrate


P3 Marine is packaged in 5, 55, and 275 gallons. Product shall ideally be stored in a location that is dry and between 35°-100°F (2°-38°C) ambient temperature. Optimal storage is at the middle of the temperature range. Protect from freezing and direct sunlight. 5-year shelf life under proper storage conditions.

General Information

For safe handling information on this product, see the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

NOTICE TO BUYER: DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ON OUR LIABILITY We warrant that our products are manufactured to strict quality assurance specifications and that the information supplied by us is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Such information supplied about our products is not a representation or a warranty. It is supplied on the condition that you shall make your own tests to determine the suitability of our product for your particular purpose. Any use or application other than recommended herein is the sole responsibility of the user. Listed physical properties are typical and should not be construed as specifications. NO WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING SUCH OTHER INFORMATION, THE DATA ON WHICH IT IS BASED, OR THE RESULTS YOU WILL OBTAIN FROM ITS USE. N0 WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE MERCHANTABLE OR THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY IS MADE THAT THE USE OF SUCH INFORMATION OR OUR PRODUCT WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON ANY PATENT. We shall have no liability for incidental or consequential damages, direct or indirect. Our liability is limited to the net selling price of our product or the replacement of our product, at our option. Acceptance of delivery of our product means that you have accepted the terms of this warranty whether or not purchase orders or other documents state terms that vary from this warranty. No representative is authorized to make any representation or warranty or assume any other liability on our behalf with any sale of our products. Our products contain chemicals that may CAUSE SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY. BEFORE USING, READ THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET AND FOLLOW ALL PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT BODILY HARM.
