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  • Overview
  • Specification
  • Cure
  • Chemical
  • Coverage Rate
  • Application

5500V Vertical Polyaspartic Polyurea Coating | Low Temp 30°F | 89% Solids | Flexible 120% Elongation | 17 Color Options

5500V Polyaspartic Vertical Wall Coating offers a beautiful, decorative finish while providing a tough durable surface.  The 5500 is a high solids 89%, low temp waterproof coating that is extremely flexible with 120% elongation, high solids, 2 component roll down, self priming for easy application that can be applied down to 30F.  Great for vertical wall projects, that can be applied per coat as thick as 9 mils DFT (dry film thickness) or 160 sq’/gallon.

5500V is packaged in 2 gallon and 10 gallon kits and is a 1:1 mix ratio (by volume).  Comes standard as a clear.  Can be colored with one of 17 Optional Pigment Colors (purchased separately in 1 quart liquid containers).

For projects requiring a primer, suggest the 7001 Moisture Cured Polyurethane which is a quick cure, single component for both concrete and steel projects and is an excellent companion to the 5500.  For a colored primer option, suggest our E5015 Epoxy Primer with 20 colors available.

Works well on concrete, brick, painted steel, wood, fiberglass surfaces.  For projects on poured concrete walls that have a high moisture content coming through from the outside, use our P3 Industrial 24 hours prior to application of the 5500V for excellent protection of hydrostatic vapor pressure.


When choosing color, colorant shipped separately in 1 quart screw top containers for mixing into Part A prior to use.   One quart pigment will color 2-3 gallons of 5500 Polyaspartic.   Use 10-12 oz pigment per blended gallon of 5500 for most colors.  If using white, add 12-14 oz pigment per blended gallon of 5500.

Do not use other pigments with the 5500 as they are not formulated with the proper base materials that are compatible with the 5500.  Do not overload the 5500 with pigment, use the minimum amount of pigment for the desired affect.

When using the 5500 as a colored basecoat on a porous surface, can add up to 2 oz Xylene per mixed gallon 5500 to help with dispersion of the pigment and with penetration into the substrate.  Do not recommend adding Xylene otherwise.

5500V Polyaspartic Used?

  • Decorative Wall Finishes
  • Garage Walls, basements
  • Pools
  • Industrial & Commercial Wall projects
  • Water Feature Applications
  • Fountains
  • Concrete Slabs
  • Stairs
  • Decks, Wood Structures
  • Interior & Exterior Applications

Why 5500V Polyaspartic?

  • Offers exceptional vertical wall protection in a single application
  • Beautiful Clear Appearance
  • Quick recoat time in as little as 1 – 1.5 hours
  • 89% High Solids Formula
  • Waterproofing Elastomeric Systems
  • Good In Submerged Service Projects Like Pools and Fountains
  • Works well on concrete, brick, steel, wood, fiberglass
  • Outstanding Chemical Resistant
  • Excellent Abrasive Resistance
  • Excellent flexibility with 120% Elongation
  • Highly Adhesive
  • Self Priming With No Primer Required
  • Excellent Non-Yellowing UV Resistance For Very Clear Finish
  • Conforms to the USDA requirements for incidental food contact
  • Cold Weather Apply Down to 30F


Solids 89%
Color Clear, Optional quarts of pigment available
Hardness ASTM D2240 Shore A 85 & 50D
Gel time 20 min @75°F
Recoat Time 1 to 2 hours or as soon as can walk on it same day.  If re-coat window exceeded, sand lightly to produce a profile, wipe with acetone and re-coat.
Compressive Strength 8 hrs – 7300 psi, 24 hrs – 11,200 psi, 7 days – 14,000 to 19,000 psi
Mix ratio 1:1  Mix while adding Part B to A using Jiffy Mixer slow speed 1-2 min
Application method Squeegie followed by backroll short nap 1/4″ to 3/8″ roller
Surfaces Applied to Concrete, metal, wood, steel, tile
Application range 30°F to 90°F
Abrasion (CS17) ASTM D4060-90  4.0mg/1000/500cycles
Tensile ASTM D412 >4000 psi
Tear Strength ASTM D470 850 lbs/in
Elongation ASTM D124 120%
Processing Temperature 70°F
Viscosity @25°C cps 450 +/-50
VOC Exempt solvents – Meets California SCAQMD voc standards.  Odor may require ventilation during application
UV Resistance High
Maximum mils per coat 10-12 mils DFT
Concrete cure time Minimum 28 days after new pour
Chemical Cure Tack free in 1 to 1.5 hours and full cure in 24 – 48 hours @70°F


Temperature Working Time Tack Free Light Use Heavy Use
75F 15 min 1.5-2 hrs 8 hours 24 hours




 10% Acetic Acid  + – yellowing
 100% Ethanol 200 proof  + +
 50% Sulfuric Acid  + +
 38% Hydrochloric Acid  + +
 10% NaCl  + +
 28% Amonia  + +
 85% Lactic Acid  + –  down gloss
 5% to 10% Chlorox Bleach  + +
 Citrus Cleaning Solvent  + – slight blisters
 Skydrol PE-5  + +
 Power Steering Fluid  + +
 Transmission Fluid Dextron  + +
 Motor Oil  + +
 Brake Fluid  + – slight blisters
 Unleaded Gasoline  + +
 MEK  –
 Xylene  –
 Tap Water  + +
 Coffee  + +
 Cola  + +
 Grape Juice  + +
 Ketchup  + +
 Mustard  – – transient yellowing


5500 Polyaspartic Coating coverage rate based on how thick applied.  Can apply the 5500V as thick as 160 sq’/gallon (9 mils DFT – dry film thickness) or as thin as 350 sq’/gallon (4 mils DFT).  The 5500 at 89% solids, very little lost after it evaporates (compare to 50% solids product from big box stores which lose 1/2 coating to evaporation).




Preparation  Concrete
Concrete must have a minimum 28 day cure prior to application. Remove any curing agent, form release materials, oils, wax, moisture or any material that may effect bonding. Clean and wash to remove contaminants and maintain pH 8.0-11.0. *Perform a Moisture Vapor Test before making the coating application on concrete. For projects on poured concrete walls that have a high moisture content coming through from the outside, use our P3 Industrial 24 hours prior to application of the 5500V for excellent protection of hydrostatic vapor pressure.

Use a concrete (diamond) grinder on the surface to provide rough profile minimum 2 mils (remove slick, smooth surface so concrete feels like a 100 grit sandpaper). Review ASTM D4259 Abrading Concrete and ASTM F1869 Measuring Moisture Vapor Emission. Seal/repair all bug-holes, cracks and spalls, see ASTC data sheets on 830, 4034 and 3004 (joints).

Near white sand blast per SSPC-SP10/NACE 2. Welds, seams, edges, etc. grind/blast smooth and provide 2 mil profile.  Priming 5500 for use on steel, use 7001 Primer, allow a set time of about one to two hours before coating with 5500.  Do not exceed 4 to 6 hours before primer is coated

Wood, Fiberglass:
Water-blast and dry. Fill wood and fiberglass cracks, splits, voids or holidays using a compatible filler ( 830).

Moisture Vapor Reduction: 5500 Polyurea Coating may be applied over other coatings or epoxy base coats.  If recoat window exceeded, will need to sand the basecoat to rough up the surface and provide a profile first prior to application of the 5500.  For the best applications over concrete surfaces a moisture vapor barrier like the CMW 8000 (Good) or our P3 Industrial (Best – provides outstanding both positive and negative side moisture protection) may be used as part of a “systems approach”.

PRODUCT MIXINGREAD CAREFULLY.  Improper Mixing May Result In Product Failure. This Product Has A One To One Mix Ratio By Volume- Mix 1 part by volume Of Part A With 1 part by volume Of Part B. ( Example: to mix 1 gallon total 5500 to get started, measure 1/2 gallon Part A and mix with 1/2 gallon Part B).  Do not change the proportions and recommend do not mix more than you can use in 15 minutes.

Improper mixing may result in product failure.

For best mixing results and proper blending of parts A and B, recommend a Jiffy Mixer style drill mixer.

Mix parts A and B separately by themselves in a container one to two minutes with a Jiffy Mixer first before combing parts A and B together.  Clean mixing tool with solvent after mixing part A before mixing part B to prevent starting the chemical reaction and shortening cure time.  Then pour Part B into Part A while mixing at slow speed, 650 rpm until a uniform blend is evident and streak Free.  Avoid Whipping Air Into The Coating during mixing.  Mix completely for approximately one to two minutes.

Be sure to work the bottom and edges of the bucket to ensure the entire contents of each part are mixed. The colored veins need to disappear. If the two components are not mixed completely the epoxy will not cross-link well and can develop curing problems that will lead to a substandard coating.  In 5500 that is colored, improper mixing can result in uneven color when pigment is not fully blended.

It’s very important when mixing not to run the drill too fast or pump the mixing paddle up and down. Doing either of these this will introduce air into the mix which will be rolled into the coating and create air bubbles at the surface. The 5500 should have a nice even consistency without any color streaks.

Use of an improper drill mixer can result in streaking of the color because the pigment has not been thoroughly blended.  It can also create curing problems if the hardener also called activator (Part B) is not thoroughly blended with the resin (Part A) which can cause some areas on your floor to remain soft and not harden properly.  DO NOT USE A PAINT MIXER.  Many mixing problems described above can be traced back to using a paint mixer..  DO NOT HAND MIX as this approach can also result in the same problems as using a paint mixer.

Pour the 5500 out on the floor immediately after mixing and do not let the 5500 sit in the bucket.  Leaving it in the bucket for as little as a minute or two can shorten the pot life by half or more.

Adding Pigment

Pigment is shipped in a  separate container and added to the 5500 at the time of mixing.  Use 10-12 oz of pigment provided by ASTC per gallon of mixed 5500 (Example:  1/2 gallon Part A and 1/2 gallon Part B = 1 mixed gallon then add 10-12 oz pigment and for White color 12-14 oz pigment per gallon).

Do not use other pigments as they are not formulated with the proper base materials that are compatible with the 5500.  Do not overload the 5500 with pigment.

Important:  When adding pigment to the 5500 when it is used as a basecoat, it is helpful to add about 2 oz of Xylene per mixed gallon of product and pigment mix.  The addition of the solvent helps with the dispersion of the pigment and the penetration of the 5500 into the substrate.


Application range; 30°F to 100°F. Apply the product using a roller. Hot surfaces may accelerate gel time of the product.  Product should be back-rolled using a short nap roller, about ¼” to 3/8”. **Apply in thin films from 5,8 or 10 mils per coat. Do not apply thicker then 10-12 mils at one time.  Thicker coats will require more time to dry to achieve optimum film properties. Similarly, lower temperatures and higher humidity conditions will increase dry time of each coat.

Re-coat Time; apply a second coat as soon as the first coat can be walked on, 1 to 2 hours (press thumb hard into 5500 and if no thumb print, ready to recoat).  If recoat window is exceeded, sand lightly with a 100 grit sander to produce a profile, wipe with acetone and re-coat.  Freshly applied coatings should not be exposed to water for at least 2 hours, do not apply if rain is in the forecast. Allow the coating to cure for at least 24 hours prior to being placed into full service. Some low to moderate use can be achieved after 4 hours. Cure is affected by high humidity.

Mixers, spray equipment, etc. can all be easily cleaned with water while product is in the uncured state. If the product is allowed to dry on a tool, scraping and solvent may be necessary to remove the material. Tools that experience periodic use such as agitator blades should be kept in water to prevent curing of residual material between uses.


  • Pot life is effected by environmental temperatures and humidity.
  • Do not use on wet surfaces or expose part A to moisture.
  • Keep out of direct sunlight and store the product kits on wood pallets at room temperature. Use a Nitrogen blanket over unused product for proper storage and protection from humidity.
  • Surface may be slippery when wet, recommend using an anti-slip additive in applications where floor can become wet.

Cold Storage System Applications:

For Cold Storage applications this cure procedure is important. After the application of the 5500 at ambient temperatures has been made over the treated concrete allow approximately 8 to 12 hours cure time. When the 5500 is cured the storage are may be brought down in temperature slowly avoiding thermal cold shock. For Slow System applications of the 5500 allow 3 to 5 days or more cure time before bringing down the temperature of the area.

The 5500 has been tested for use in operating temperatures below 20F with no adverse problems – at that temperature the concrete has dehydrated and it has also contracted or shrunk. Lower below zero temperatures may add only minor shrinkage to the slab. The concrete may not contract very much after that temperature and the coating will perform in cold temperatures.

NOTICE TO BUYER: DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ON OUR LIABILITY We warrant that our products are manufactured to strict quality assurance specifications and that the information supplied by us is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Such information supplied about our products is not a representation or a warranty. It is supplied on the condition that you shall make your own tests to determine the suitability of our product for your particular purpose. Any use or application other than recommended herein is the sole responsibility of the user. Listed physical properties are typical and should not be construed as specifications. NO WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING SUCH OTHER INFORMATION, THE DATA ON WHICH IT IS BASED, OR THE RESULTS YOU WILL OBTAIN FROM ITS USE. N0 WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE MERCHANTABLE OR THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY IS MADE THAT THE USE OF SUCH INFORMATION OR OUR PRODUCT WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON ANY PATENT. We shall have no liability for incidental or consequential damages, direct or indirect. Our liability is limited to the net selling price of our product or the replacement of our product, at our option. Acceptance of delivery of our product means that you have accepted the terms of this warranty whether or not purchase orders or other documents state terms that vary from this warranty. No representative is authorized to make any representation or warranty or assume any other liability on our behalf with any sale of our products. Our products contain chemicals that may CAUSE SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY. BEFORE USING, READ THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET AND FOLLOW ALL PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT BODILY HARM.
