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  • Overview
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  • Specs
  • ASTM Testing
  • Application

VandlGuard Silicone Elastomeric Anti-Graffiti & Water Repellent Coating | Flexible 420% Elongation | UV Resistant | Concrete Brick Metal Stone

VandlGuard® Silicone Elastomeric Anti-Graffiti & Water Repellent Coating is a clear, low VOC, water-based silicone elastomeric with exceptional crack bridging and 420% elongation flexibility performance. It offers excellent protection against multiple graffiti tags while protecting against wind driven rain all in one product.

It has great hardness without losing elastomeric properties, making it ideal for high temperature exterior environments. Ideal for use on above-grade substrates and can be used on horizontal walking surfaces.

It’s available as a clear, low luster finish with minimal change in surface appearance, while protecting from moisture and graffiti.  Easy application with low pressure airless sprayer with .017 to .021 tip or 1/4″ nap synthetic roller cover

Supplied ready-to-use in both one and five gallon containers, VandlGuard Silicone Elastomeric is available in a clear, white ready to use and 3 separate tint bases Pastel, Deep, Accent.

Color Options

(Can be tinted at any local paint store using water based colorant designed for water based acrylic and latex paints)

Clear should not be tinted
White Ready to Use
Pastel Base: Tint with up to 4 Oz of colorant / Gallon
Accent Base: Tint with up to 11 Oz of colorant / Gallon
Deep Base: Tint with up to 8 Oz of colorant / Gallon

Primer: For masonry surfaces, recommended Restore-N-Prep as pretreatment to properly clean the surface. For Bare Porous Surfaces, apply one coat of Micro-Seal® Water Repellent. When surface is dry to the touch begin the application of VandlGuard® Silicone Elastomeric.

Topcoat: None Required.


  • Aggregate Panels
  • Concrete, Brick or Stucco
  • EIFS and Cement Plaster
  • Metal
  • Over Water-based Coatings
  • Previously or Newly Painted Surfaces
  • Stone
  • Wood


  • Great Anti-Graffiti Protection and Water Repellent in one Product
  • Non-Sacrificial Anti-Graffiti Performance Against Multiple Tags
  • Excellent Protection Against Wind Driven Rain
  • Inhibits growth of mildew, mildew, fungus, bacteria
  • Exceptional flexibility and crack bridging with 420% elongation
  • UV Protectant
  • Horizontal and Vertical applications
  • No expensive sand blasting/diamond grinding needed
  • Exceptional adhesions to most substrates
  • Ready-to-Use – no mixing needed
  • Low VOC – less than 20 g/L
  • Comes Clear, White and 3 Tint Bases for Custom Colors
  • Paint Over it with 100% acrylic paints


Test product over small area of the substrate to estimate coverage and determine if a second coat is needed. A second coat is recommended. The use of fluted, scored block, raked joints, sandblasted or etched surfaces will result in greater absorption and lower coverage rates, by up to 40%. Test these areas for the expected coverage rate before general application.

Substrate Sq Ft/ Gallon
Precision/Split Face Block 150
Ground Face Block 150
Scored/ Fluted Block 130
Sand Blasted Block 130
Slump/ Adobe Block 150
Heavy Textured Stucco 150
Brick 200
Unpainted Wood 150
Porous Tile 150
Fine/ Medium Textured Stucco 200
Cast/ Pre-Cast/ Tilt-Up Concrete 200
Sand Blasted Concrete 175
Exposed Aggregate 175
EIFS 175
Metal 250
Painted Surfaces 250

Application Temperature: Establish that air, surface, and material temperatures are above 40°F (4.4°C) and at least 5°F above the dew point prior to painting. Do not apply in temperatures below 40°F or above 100°F. Do not apply if rain, snow, or lower temperatures are expected within 48 hours. Do not apply if relative humidity is greater than 80%

Technical Data
Material Type Hybrid Silicon Emulsion
Permeability Perm Rating 14 (at 8 mils DFT)
Solids by Volume 64%
Solids by Weight 60%
Odor Slight
Temp Range Application 40°F-100°F
Color of Material Milky White
VOC <20 gm/L
Flash Point Non-Flammable
Surface Dry Time 1-2 Hours
Finish Clear
Test Data
ASTM E96 14 Perms
Scaling Resistance ASTM C672-C672 100 Cycles – No Scaling
Exposure to Deicing Chemicals

100 Freeze That Cycles

Visual Rating- 0
ASTM D6904 Wind-Driving Rain Resistance Pass
ASTM G-53/G-154

Accelerated Weathering 3000 Hours

No blistering, chalking, gloss or color changes
ASTM C-1262 Freeze,

Thaw Resistance 100 Cycles

Cracking none; adhesion loss none
Surface Burning ASTM E84 Flame Spread 0, Smoke Developed 0
Color i7 at 8 mils DFT 95%
ASTM B117 Salt Fog 3000 Hours/ No Effect
ASTM D530 Harness Pencil 2 weeks 2H
ASTM D412 Elongation 420%
ASTM D412 Tensile Strength 126 PSI
ASTM D522 Mandrel Bend Test No coating loss at 180° rotation
ASTM D968 Sand Abrasion Test Resistance 5-65 Liters


Surface Preparation

Prior to application, all surfaces shall be clean and dry with no oils, dirt, debris, or minerals such as efflorescence, lime and calcium. These stains, along with others, will prevent proper penetration of Vandlguard® Silicone Elastomeric to sufficiently seal for the warranty period. The use of Rainguard’s Restore-N-Prep™ Concrete and Masonry Cleaner system is recommended as a pretreatment to clean masonry surfaces. Once clean, allow the surface to fully dry before sealing or applying a topcoat.

Application Instructions

All surfaces to be coated should be structurally sound, clean, and dry. Apply using a roller, or low-pressure airless spray equipment at recommended spread rates. If using a brush, use enough material to create a sufficient film build. When spraying, apply in a fine mist, cross hatched pattern to build up the wet coating. As soon as the entire surface has been coated, immediately repeat the process with a second pass. Depending on the porosity of the surface, a light second coat may be necessary. Clean equipment with soap and water when finished.

Painted Surfaces: Allow newly painted and stucco surfaces to fully chemically cure before application of VandlGuard® Silicone Elastomeric. Recent formulations of pigmented paints, coatings, and integrally colored stucco colorant additives contain biocides. These biocides must be released before application of VandlGuard® Silicone Elastomeric. Please consult the manufacturer of the paint/stucco coating to determine the chemical curing period. Exterior Performance Coatings is not responsible for yellowing or color differences as a result of application of the VandlGuard Silicone Elastomeric over uncured paint or integrally colored stucco surfaces.


Safe Handling

Use product only with adequate ventilation and/or an appropriate cartridge type respirator. Avoid contact with skin and wear protective gloves. Read the Safety Data Sheet before using.

Graffiti Removal
1. Graffiti resistance is fully developed after cure time of 5-7 days depending on weather conditions.
2. When using power washer, keep pressure less than 500 psi. For difficult removal use warm to hot water while power washing. No need to use harsh chemical cleaners.
3. When using chemical cleaners use VandlClean™ Super a non-hazardous biodegradable cleaner. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations and instructions for use. In addition, warm water power washing has also been known to assist in the removal of tagging.

Use material in a well-ventilated area. Protect the work of other trades. Protect shrubbery and other plants with drop cloths. Protect automobiles and all other areas not to be coated from overspray. Remove overspray from any windows, automobiles, metal, etc. as soon as possible. To prevent permanent staining, clean spills or leaks in a timely manner.

All surfaces to be coated should be clean of any dirt and grime, efflorescence, lime run, form oils and release agents, grease, mud, excess mortar, and mold and mildew, etc. All cracks should be pointed or caulked. All voids, beeholes, masonry surface defects and openings such as conduits, pipes, drains, door frames, vents, air conditioner openings, electrical openings, control joints, or any dissimilar materials should be repaired using urethane or other approved patching. If an acid etch or an acid stain has been applied to the surface, it must be thoroughly flushed to remove all residue and then allow to dry.

Do not apply on damp or moist surface as it will whiten and may cause delamination. Do not apply to surfaces if moisture content is greater than 15% as measured with an electronic moisture meter. Do not apply product in climates where freezing temperatures have existed prior to application. Allow adequate time for surfaces to thaw. Establish that air, surface, and material temperatures are above 40°F (4.4°C) and at least 5°F above the dew point prior to painting. Do not apply in temperatures below 40°F or above 100°F. Do not apply if rain, snow, or lower temperatures are expected within 48 hours. Do not apply if relative humidity is greater than 80%.

Store materials in a well-protected area at 45°- 90°F. Avoid freezing temperatures, direct sunlight, & moisture. Keep away from heat sources.

Shelf Life of this material is 6 months from the date of manufacture (see batch number for manufactured date).

Clean Up: Uncured material can be removed with a water. Cured material can only be removed mechanically. All empty containers must be disposed of according to local, state, and federal regulations.


NOTICE TO BUYER: DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ON OUR LIABILITY We warrant that our products are manufactured to strict quality assurance specifications and that the information supplied by us is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Such information supplied about our products is not a representation or a warranty. It is supplied on the condition that you shall make your own tests to determine the suitability of our product for your particular purpose. Any use or application other than recommended herein is the sole responsibility of the user. Listed physical properties are typical and should not be construed as specifications. NO WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING SUCH OTHER INFORMATION, THE DATA ON WHICH IT IS BASED, OR THE RESULTS YOU WILL OBTAIN FROM ITS USE. N0 WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE MERCHANTABLE OR THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY IS MADE THAT THE USE OF SUCH INFORMATION OR OUR PRODUCT WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON ANY PATENT. We shall have no liability for incidental or consequential damages, direct or indirect. Our liability is limited to the net selling price of our product or the replacement of our product, at our option. Acceptance of delivery of our product means that you have accepted the terms of this warranty whether or not purchase orders or other documents state terms that vary from this warranty. No representative is authorized to make any representation or warranty or assume any other liability on our behalf with any sale of our products. Our products contain chemicals that may CAUSE SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY. BEFORE USING, READ THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET AND FOLLOW ALL PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT BODILY HARM.
