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Tec-Top Elastomeric Waterproofer | Flexible 200% Elongation | 100% Acrylic | Concrete Brick Block Wood Metal Stucco EIFS | Vertical Horizontal

Tec-Top™ is a premium quality, high build, 100% acrylic water-based low voc flexible 200% elongation coating for waterproofing and protecting new and existing surfaces against wind driven rain.  Works great on block, brick, stucco, cement, concrete as well as wood, metal and EIFS.  Tec-Top™ creates a breathable, vapor permeable surface while resisting the damaging effects of wind-driven rain. It restores and beautifies damaged masonry surfaces as well as unifies new surface colors and textures.  Tec-Top™ is quick drying with excellent adhesion.

Tec-top is tough enough to also be used on and protect residential walking surfaces such as porches, patios and decks.  Not meant for heavy foot or motorized vehicular traffic.

Use of primer recommended on bare unpainted surfaces.  Recommend application of 2 coats of Tec-Top at 100 to 150 sq’/gallon each coat depending on surface texture and porosity.

Available in 5-gallon pails.  Comes in a ready to use white and can be custom colored to nearly any color using one of 3 tint bases.


Tec-Top Elastomeric Coating is available in 3 different tint bases (Ready to use White which is also our Pastel tint base, Deep, Accent).  All can be tinted to a wide range of colors by your local paint store.  Find a customer friendly paint store who will work with you, select your desired color from one of their 100% acrylic exterior paints, ask them what tint base they would use to tint their paint and then choose the equivalent Tec-Top Tint Base; pastel, deep or accent depending on what color you are wanting to create.  Then have your local paint store color your Tec-Top when it arrives.  They will mix using the same water based colorant they use to tint other acrylic paints.

Tec-Top Tint Base options can color all but the very deepest, richest colors which may require a neutral tint base (this is not available for Tec-Top). Pastel tint base is used for the lightest and softest colors, the deep tint base is used for brighter, more intense and many darker colors and accent tint base for the darkest and richest colors.

The Pastel Tint Base can also be used as a Ready to Use White color which requires no custom coloring or colorant added.


  • Pastel Tint base – up to 4 oz per gallon  (when used as a ready to use white, requires NO added colorant)
  • Deep Tint Base  – up to 8 oz per gallon
  • Accent Tint Base – up to 11 oz per gallon

Easy to apply, it can be applied via spray, roll or brush.

Primer: For masonry surfaces, recommended Restore-N-Prep as pretreatment to properly clean the surface. When a high performance primer is desired, consider our E7075 100% Acrylic Primer

Topcoat: None Required.


  • Construction & Remodel Residential and Commercial Projects
  • Exterior Building Walls
  • Fences
  • Residential porches, patios and decks


  • Great for use on Brick, Stucco, Cement, Concrete, Wood, Metal and EIFS
  • Protects both Exterior Vertical Walls and Horizontal surfaces
  • Flexible Coating That Bridges small cracks
  • Low VOC < 2g/L and Low Odor
  • High UV Resistance
  • Option for Custom Colors
  • Low Temperature Flex, Passed 180° bend @ 0°F
  • Tensile Strength, 260 PSI
  • Flexible 200% Elongation



Test product over small area of the substrate to confirm coverage

Substrate (two coats) Square Footage Per Gallon Per Coat
Smooth Surface 150 Square Feet
Rough, Porous Surface 100 Square Feet

IMPORTANT NOTES: Coating should dry to 6 mils on a smooth surface and 9 mils DFT on a textured surface.

The use of fluted, scored block or raked joints increase surface areas by 20%+ and decrease coverage rates. Allow for this increased surface area when determining material requirements.


APPLICATION TEMPERATURE: 50°F (and rising) – 90°F with relative humidity no more than 80%

Technical Data

Material Type 2 g/l VOC Compliant
Weight Approximately 12.2 lbs./gal
Volume Solids 47%
Color of Material White
Odor Slight Latex Smell
Application Temperature Range 50°F-90°F
Surface Dry/Recoat 2-4 Hours @ 75°F
Full Chemical Cure 3-4 Weeks
Flash Point Non-Flammable
Pedestrian Traffic 24 Hours
Impact Resistance < 101 lbs.
Shelf Life 2 years (stored at 50F-90F)

Test Data

Low Temp Flex ASTM C-734-82 Passed – 180° Bend @ 0°F
Tensile Strength ASTM D-2370-82 260 PSI
Federal Specification TT-C-555b Passed- No Water Absorption
Tensile Strength ASTM D-2370 210%


Surface Preparation

Prior to application, all surfaces shall be structurally sound, clean and free of dirt, grime, efflorescence, lime run, construction debris, form oils and release agents, chalked materials, loose and peeling paint, mold and mildew or other surface contaminants, etc.

The use of RainguardPro’s Restore-N-Prep™ Concrete and Masonry Cleaner system is recommended prior to the application of the top finish. This product promotes adhesion and preserves the system’s warranty. Follow manufacturer cleaning instructions.

Application Instructions 

Concrete and Masonry

Allow new concrete and masonry substrates to cure for 10 days. This neutralizes alkalinity and releases residual moisture. After cleaning, we recommend all surfaces shall be less than 15% moisture as measured with an electronic moisture meter. Full chemical cure occurs within 3-4 weeks depending on weather conditions.

Properly clean and prepare wood surfaces. Pre-treat knots with stain blocking primer material and prime surfaces.

Etch or otherwise clean metal surfaces. Use an appropriate primer.

Previously Painted Surfaces
Remove chalk, grime, loose and peeling paint and other contaminants. Repair surface and mortar joint defects. Allow patching materials to cure prior to application of primers. Tec-Top™ is best applied using airless spray equipment with a minimum 1.0 GPM capacity.

Refer to equipment manufacturer for best tip size. Tec-Top™ is supplied ready to use. Mix contents thoroughly prior to application. If material becomes too heavy to spray, thin with up to 1 quart of water per 5 gallons of material. To prevent skinning, cover the pail with a damp cloth.

Apply the product to the properly prepared and primed surfaces. Apply Tec-Top™ to surfaces at the recommended coverage rates depending on the surface type and porosity.

Spray Application
Spray apply Tec-Top™ to surfaces using a crosshatch spray pattern. Back-roll materials into the surface to create a uniform and pinhole-free surface film. Angle the spray tip from a point higher than the surface for the coating to build proper mil thickness.

Apply two coats to surfaces at the recommend coverage rate for a uniform, pinhole-free appearance. Re-coat the surface after approximately 4 hours.

Surface conditions and application variables are out of the control of Exterior Performance Coatings. As such, the applicator agrees to: Follow recommended application instructions, acknowledge limitations outlined in this technical data sheet, contact the manufacturer in the event there are any uncertainties, perform a test panel to confirm fit and finish before any general application.

The data on this sheet represent typical values. Since application variables are a major factor in product performance, this information should serve only as a general guide.

• Do not apply at temperatures below 50°F or above 90°F.
• Do not apply unless temperature is 5° above the dew point or if rain is expected within 24 hours.
• Do not apply on a damp or moist surface as it will whiten and cause delamination.
• Do not allow to freeze.  Always sample on a test area prior to starting the actual job.
• Shelf Life of this material is 2 years from the date of manufacture (see batch number for manufactured date).
• Recommend the use of angular slip resistant aggregate in all coatings or flooring systems that may be exposed to wet, oily or greasy conditions.
• It is the responsibility of the contractor and end users to provide a flooring system that meets current safety standards.
• OK for use as an Industrial Maintenance Coating, Concrete Masonry Sealer, or Floor Coating, anywhere in the United States, including the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)

NOTICE TO BUYER: DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ON OUR LIABILITY We warrant that our products are manufactured to strict quality assurance specifications and that the information supplied by us is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Such information supplied about our products is not a representation or a warranty. It is supplied on the condition that you shall make your own tests to determine the suitability of our product for your particular purpose. Any use or application other than recommended herein is the sole responsibility of the user. Listed physical properties are typical and should not be construed as specifications. NO WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING SUCH OTHER INFORMATION, THE DATA ON WHICH IT IS BASED, OR THE RESULTS YOU WILL OBTAIN FROM ITS USE. N0 WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE MERCHANTABLE OR THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY IS MADE THAT THE USE OF SUCH INFORMATION OR OUR PRODUCT WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON ANY PATENT. We shall have no liability for incidental or consequential damages, direct or indirect. Our liability is limited to the net selling price of our product or the replacement of our product, at our option. Acceptance of delivery of our product means that you have accepted the terms of this warranty whether or not purchase orders or other documents state terms that vary from this warranty. No representative is authorized to make any representation or warranty or assume any other liability on our behalf with any sale of our products. Our products contain chemicals that may CAUSE SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY. BEFORE USING, READ THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET AND FOLLOW ALL PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT BODILY HARM.

