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  • Overview
  • Coverage Rate
  • Specs
  • ASTM Testing
  • Application


Rainguard COOL COAT Tint Base is a premium quality, heat reflective paint & thermal barrier high build, 100% acrylic water-based elastomeric waterproofing coating with ceramic sphere technology to reflect infrared radiation that provides insulating benefits in both the summer and winter.

Can be tinted to a wide range of colors using one of 3 available tint bases.  Cool Coat offers over 200% dynamic elongation and recovery strength to ensure the coating will move and flex with thermal changes of the masonry surface to help prevent rupturing or cracking.  Cool Coat is also available in a Ready-to-Use White Color.

For outdoor projects requiring a colored surface including pool decks, patios, porchs or other horizontal surfaces that require up to a 25% to 30% cooler surface, we offer our E28 Cool Life Deck Coating | Infrared Heat Reflective Technology Available in 12 Pre-tinted Colors

COOL COAT is vapor permeable yet resists the effects of wind driven rain.  It restores and beautifies damaged masonry surfaces and unifies color and texture on new surfaces. Use on new or existing surfaces including block, brick, stucco, cement, concrete, wood, metal and EFIS. Can use on asphalt shingles for cooling surface only, not intended as waterproofer.   COOL COAT is quick drying with excellent adhesion and hide.

As a Thermal Paint, Works Like a Liquid Pane Of Thermal Glass. Offers Both Heat Reduction And Cold Protection, Paint Film.  To cool in the summer apply on exterior walls or roofs to keep heat out  and in the winter to keep heat from escaping outside apply to interior walls.

Cool Coat is an effective insulator by reflecting infrared radiation from whatever surface it is applied to since most heat is transferred by infrared radiation.

For painting bare ferrous steel, galvanized steel, aluminum first prime with a corrosion resistant metal primer such as Plugger Universal PrimerPlugger Universal Primer can also be used on porous concrete, brick, stucco and previously painted surfaces when a primer is needed prior to application of Cool Coat Thermal Barrier Coating.  For smooth, slick, non-porous surfaces such as vinyl, plastic, polycarbonate, fiberglass, glass recommend bonding primer like Extreme Bond Primer.


Cool Coat is available in 3 different tint bases (Pastel, Deep, Accent) which can be tinted to a wide range of colors by your local paint store.  Find a customer friendly paint store who will work with you, select your desired color from one of their 100% acrylic exterior paints, ask them what tint base they would use to tint their paint and then choose the equivalent Cool Coat Tint Base; pastel or deep depending on what color you are wanting to create.  Then have your local paint store color your Cool Coat when it arrives.  They will mix using the same water based colorant they use to tint other acrylic paints.

Cool Coat Tint Base will color all but the very deepest, richest colors which may require a neutral tint base (this is not available for Cool Coat). Pastel tint base is used for the lightest and softest colors and the deep tint base is used for brighter, more intense and many darker colors and accent tint base for the darkest and richest colors. Cool Coat is also available in a Ready-to-Use White Color which requires no custom coloring or Clear Low Gloss for projects where you want to see the base surface color but want the benefit of a cooler surface.


  • Pastel Tint base – 6 oz per gallon
  • Deep Tint Base  – 8 oz per gallon
  • Accent Tint Base – 12 oz per gallon

Where is Cool Coat used?

  • Construction & Remodel Projects:   Exterior building walls, sloped roof surfaces not subject to ponded, pooled water (contact mfg to confirm application if questions)
  • Interior and Exterior  walls
  • Metal roofs
  • Metal Sea Container Home Conversion projects
  • Metal Handrails

Why Cool Coat Thermal Barrier?

  • Reflects Infrared Radiation Using Advanced Ceramic Sphere Technology
  • Custom Color Locally Using One of Our 3 Tint Bases
  • Create most colors with our Pastel, Deep and Accent Tint Base options
  • Lower Cooling Costs in Summer When Applied to Exterior Walls & Roofs
  • Use to cool metal surfaces like handrails in the hot summer sun
  • Lower Heating Costs in the Winter When Applied to Interior Walls
  • Thermal Heat Reduction & Waterproofing White Color Coating
  • Helps cool wall and cool roof surfaces for energy savings
  • Superior moisture control performance
  • 200% elongation resists cracking
  • Great for high mold & mildew environments
  • High UV resistance
  • Breathable – does not trap moisture
  • Apply to 35°F and rising temperature (1.7°C)
  • 100% Eco-friendly: low VOC
  • 5 Year warranty available
  • Cool Coat meets requirements in the Solar Reference Index of material in the LEED 2009 for Construction and Major Renovation (SS Credit 7.1: Heat Island Effect-non Roof pg. 16).
  • Additional information on cool roof and cool wall technology: www.energystar.gov andwww.echo.ca.org

The solar reflectance, thermal emittance and SRI value of a wall or roof surface are important surface properties affecting temperature, which, in turn, drives the heat flow through the wall or roof. Cool Coat test results below demonstrate its effectiveness.


Cool Coat .812 .875
Uncoated Sample .653 .040


Low, 5 W/m (2) K 101 6
Medium 12 W/m 92 K 101 45
High, 30 Wm (2) K 101 63

Solar reflectance determines the fraction of the solar radiation incident from all directions that is diffusely reflected by the surface. The higher the solar reflective value the more efficient the product is in reflecting sunlight and heat away from the building and reducing roof and wall temperature.

Thermal emittance describes how well the surface radiates energy away from itself as compared with a blackbody operating at the same temperature.   In warm and sunny climates highly emissive roof and wall products can help reduce the cooling load on the building by releasing the remaining heat absorbed from the sun  Scientists use a number between 0 and 1, or 0% and 100%, to express emittance (the higher the number the more effective the coating).

Solar Reflective Index (SRI)    SRI is calculated by using the values of solar reflectance, thermal emittance and a medium wind coefficient.  The higher the SRI value, the lower its surface temperature and consequently, the heat gain into the building


Test product over small area of the substrate to confirm coverage.  Do not use less than recommended, may require more for very porous surfaces

Unpainted Surfaces
   Porous Surfaces 200 sq’/gallon (each coat) x 2 coats or total of 100 sq’/gallon for entire gallon
   Dense Surfaces 300 sq’/gallon (each coat) x 2 coats or total of 150 sq’/gallon for entire gallon
    All Surfaces 300 sq’/gallon (each coat) x 2 coats or total of 150 sq’/gallon for entire gallon

APPLICATION TEMPERATURE: 35F (and rising) – 90F with relative humidity no more than 80%


Color Comes in Pastel, Deep Tint Bases for Custom Coloring at your local paint store
Sheen/Gloss Level Low gloss
Volume Solids 59%
Odor Slight latex smell
Dry To Re-Coat 2-4 hours @75F
#Coats Recommended 2 coats
Material Type 100% Acrylic with ceramic spheres
Application method Airless sprayer, roller, brush
Where Can it be Used Exterior wall and sloped roof surfaces not subject to standing or ponded water
Apply to New Concrete 10 days
Low Application Temperature 35F|1.7C Surface & Air
 Base  Water
VOC Content <2 g/L
Use on Material Concrete, brick, masonry, stucco, block. natural stone, EIFS, wood, metal (requires metal primer)
Warranty Available 5 years warranty available, download warranty application to register
Full Chemical Cure 3 -4 weeks
Flash point Non-flammable
Leed 4.2 (1) point credit available Meets LEED and SQAMD low VOC requirements
ASTM D-2370-82 Dynamic Elongation 200%
ASTM D-1653 Water Vapor Transmission Rate 100% Vapor Permeable
ASTM E-514 Wind Driven Rain passed 98 mph/160 kph
ASTM C67-80 Water Repellency 97% Effective
ASTM C-734-82 Low Temp Flex Passed – 180 deg Bend @ 0F
ASTM B117 Salt Spray 500 Hours – No Change
ASTM C28 Weatherability 4500 Hours Passed
TT-C-555b Federal Specification Passed – No water absorption
ASTM D-2240-86 Shore Hard A 89
ASTM C672 Scaling Resist 25 cycles Visual Rating -0 Mass -0


Cool Coat .812 .875
Uncoated Sample .653 .040


Low, 5 W/m (2) K 101 6
Medium 12 W/m 92 K 101 45
High, 30 Wm (2) K 101 63

Solar reflectance determines the fraction of the solar radiation incident from all directions that is diffusely reflected by the surface. The higher the solar reflective value the more efficient the product is in reflecting sunlight and heat away from the building and reducing roof and wall temperature.

Thermal emittance describes how well the surface radiates energy away from itself as compared with a blackbody operating at the same temperature.   In warm and sunny climates highly emissive roof and wall products can help reduce the cooling load on the building by releasing the remaining heat absorbed from the sun  Scientists use a number between 0 and 1, or 0% and 100%, to express emittance (the higher the number the more effective the coating).

Solar Reflective Index (SRI)    SRI is calculated by using the values of solar reflectance, thermal emittance and a medium wind coefficient.  The higher the SRI value, the lower its surface temperature and consequently, the heat gain into the building


Temperature (Surface|Air) 35F To 90F (1.7C To 35C) And At Least 5F Above Dew Point
Moisture Of Substrate Less Than 15%
Humidity Less Than 80%
Rain No Rain 48 Hrs Prior To, 48 Hrs After Application
Cure Time For Newly Poured Concrete 10 Days
Application Method Airless Sprayer, Roller or brush

COOL COAT is supplied ready to use. Mix contents thoroughly prior to application. If material becomes too heavy to spray, thin with up to 1 quart of water per 5 gallons of material. To prevent skinning, cover pail with a damp cloth. Apply materials to properly prepared and primed surfaces. Apply COOL COAT to surfaces at the recommended coverage rates depending on surface type and porosity.Cool Coat is a 2 coat system.  Follow recommended coverage rate guidelines for each coat for best results.

On hot summer days, to avoid problems, recommend applying 1st coat in the early morning and 2nd coat following morning.

All Vertical Surfaces: Moisture content of surfaces shall be less than 15% moisture as measured with an electronic moisture meter. New concrete and masonry construction shall be allowed to cure for 10 days to neutralize alkalinity and release residual moisture. All surfaces shall be structurally sound, clean and free of dirt, grime, efflorescence, lime run, construction debris, form oils and release agents, chalked materials, loose and peeling paint, mold and mildew or other surface contaminants, etc.

Wood: Properly clean and prepare wood surfaces. Pre-treat knots with stain blocking primer material. Prime surfaces.

Metal: Etch or otherwise clean metal surfaces and prime with appropriate metal primer.

Previously Painted Surfaces: Remove chalk, grime, loose and peeling paint and other contaminants. Repair surface and mortar joint defects. Allow patching materials to cure prior to application of primers. COOL COAT is best applied over larger areas using heavy duty airless spray equipment with a minimum 1.0 GPM capacity. Refer to equipment manufacturer for best tip size.

Spray Application: Spray apply COOL COAT to surfaces using a crosshatch spray pattern. Back-roll materials into surface to create a uniform and pinhole free surface film. Be sure to angle the spray tip from a point higher than the surface to allow coating to build proper mil thickness.

For airless sprayer recommend between a 5-15 (slower application and easier to control – good for beginners) to as large as a 5-19 spray tip (the 5=10″ fan pattern and the 19=.019 orifice opening for faster application recommended for experienced users wanting to spend less time).  Use any airless sprayer.  Pressure adjustment based on based on pump used and hose setup and tip size.

How to Setup Your Spray Pump For a Perfect Spray Pattern

Roller: Apply 2 coats to surfaces at the recommend coverage rate for each coat to create a uniform and pinhole free surface. Re-coat time in 4 hours or more.  In climates with significant summer heat suggest 24 hours between coats, applying in cool of morning or late in the day when both surface and air temperature is at its coolest.

PRECAUTIONS & LIMITATIONS 1. All surfaces to be coated should be clean of any dirt and grime, efflorescence, lime run, form oils and release agents, grease, mud, excess mortar, and mold and mildew, etc. 2. All cracks should be pointed or caulked. All voids, bee holes, masonry surface defects and openings such as conduits, pipes, drains, door frames, vents, air conditioner openings, electrical openings, control joints, or any dissimilar materials should be repaired using urethane or other approved patching.

STORAGE Store materials in a well-protected area between 45° and 90°F. Avoid freezing temperatures, direct sunlight, and moisture. Keep away from heat sources.
