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Blok-lok With Graffiti Control: Graffiti Protection & Moisture Resistance

Rainguard Blok-lok With Graffiti Control Saves Time & Money.  It’s an economical, low cost water-based, silane siloxane anti-graffiti coating and water repellent in one product for unpainted porous vertical surfaces. Apply 2 coats and you’re done.  It combines high-quality penetrating chemical solids with an acrylic surface treatment component to provide a clear, deep-penetrating, and non-film-forming chemically-reactive water repellent and graffiti barrier.  It’s designed to withstand multiple graffiti removals without having to re-apply and yet protect against damage from wind driven rain.  Contains no silicone oils, paraffin wax or urethane.

Bloklok With Graffiti Control  works on a wide variety of unpainted concrete, block, brick, stucco, masonry and wood porous surfaces. Blok-Lok with Graffiti Control with MICRO-LOK penetrates deep into porous surfaces to provide long-lasting and virtually indestructible water-repellent protection  that creates a micro-molecular chemical and mechanical bond between the water-repellent chemicals and the substrate.  It is not affected by sunlight and will not yellow. The acrylic surface component makes graffiti easy to remove with Rainguard’s VandlClean Graffiti Remover.

Bloklok With Graffiti Control is available in both ready-to-use 1 gallon and 5 gallon containers and money saving 32 oz concentrate (makes 5 gallons after adding water) and 1 gallon concentrate (makes 10 gallons after adding water).   For additional savings consider a case of concentrate.

Where is Blok-lok with Graffiti Control used?

  • Construction & Remodel Projects:   Exterior building|screen|retaining walls, fences, highway sound barriers, bridge abutments
  • Homeowner projects:  Fences, exterior walls

Why Blok-lok with Graffiti Control?

  • Material warranty to 10 years for water repellency and 2 years for graffiti protection
  • Clear, Flat Sheen, non-yellowing formula – Almost no change in look of the building
  • Easy to apply with hand pump or garden sprayer
  • Low cost application – single component, no mixing, no POT life issues, unlimited recoat window
  • Retards growth of mildew and mold
  • Save labor costs with combined water repellent & graffiti protection, apply 2 coats – 1 hr dry time
  • 100% Eco-friendly: with low
  • Specified by architects in CSI 07190, 099623, 099625, 099650


Color Clear, minimal change in appearance or surface texture
Sheen/Gloss Level Flat Sheen
Dry To Re-Coat 1  hour depending on temperature and humidity.
#Coats Recommended 2 coats
 Permeability  100% vapor permeable
Application method Low pressure hand pump or airless sprayer
Where Can it be Used Interior|Exterior unpainted surfaces (not designed for foot or vehicular traffic)
Apply to New Concrete 10 days
Low Application Temperature 40F|4.4C Surface & Air
 Base  Water
VOC Content <20 g/L
Use on Material Concrete, brick, masonry, stucco, block. natural stone, EIFS, wood
Warranty Available 10 year material warranty for water repellency and 2 years for graffiti protection –  download warranty application to register, see DOCUMENTS tab above
Full Chemical Cure 7 days for full product performance

Leed 4.2 (1) point credit available Meets LEED and SQAMD low VOC requirements
Two Coats  Average 100


Temperature (surface|air) 40F to 90F (1.7C to 35C) and at least 5F above dew point
Moisture of substrate Less than 15%
Humidity Less than 80%
Rain No rain 48 hrs prior to, 24 hrs after application
Cure time for newly poured concrete 10 days
Application method Use low pressure hand pump or garden sprayer


CR-0612 32 oz 5 Gal Empty 32oz into 5 gal pail, fill with water, stir (19 parts water to 1 part Blok-lok with Graffiti Control)
CR-0614 1 Gal 10 Gal Measure concentrate needed, mix with water, stir (use 9 parts water to 1 part Blok-lok with Graffiti Control)
CR-0613PK 32 oz 30 Gal Case of 6 quarts CR-0612 see that sku for instructions
CR-0615K 1 Gal 40 Gal Case of 4 gallons CR-0614 see that sku for instructions

1. BLOK-LOK WITH GRAFFITI CONTROL should be applied using low-pressure airless or hank pump spray equipment.
2. Avoid atomizing material by using a spray tip size of .035 to .051. Spray head should be held 8 to 12 inches from the surface so that the flood coat runs down the wall approximately 6-12 inches below the point of application.
3. Avoid application in windy weather.
4. Trigger gun off at the end of each pass to avoid using excessive
materials. Stop all applications only at corners, joints, seams, or edges.
5. Apply second coat wet on wet after first coat has been allowed to penetrate for 5 minutes. Immediately roll or brush out runs and drips to ensure even appearance.

In many instances, non-abrasive household cleaners safely and effectively remove tagging. However, in the event tagging can’t be removed with these cleaners, then use Rainguard’s VANDLCLEAN SUPER GRAFFITI REMOVER for best results. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations and instructions for use. In addition, warm water power-washing has also been known to assist in the removal of tagging. Please refer to the manufacturer for additional assistance.

1. All surfaces to be coated should be clean of any dirt and grime, efflorescence, lime run, form oils and release agents, grease, mud, excess mortar, and mold and mildew, etc.
2. All cracks should be pointed or caulked. All voids, bee holes, masonry surface defects and openings such as conduits, pipes, drains, door frames, vents, air conditioner openings, electrical openings, control joints, or any dissimilar materials should be repaired using urethane or other approved patching.

Store materials in a well-protected area between 45° and 90°F. Avoid freezing temperatures, direct sunlight, and moisture. Keep away from heat sources.
