Staticide® Anti-Static Floor Stripper removes multiple coats of wax and synthetic floor finishes quickly and efficiently while lifting embedded dirt from the floor. This special formula emulsifies dirt and residual particles of old wax so that preparation is quick and easy. As a result, 4010 will leave floors with a surface that is completely clean and ready for the application of any acrylic-based floor finish like 4600 Staticide® Ultra.
The 4010 is a low odor, solvent-safe surfactant solution is less corrosive than other commercial strippers and is formulated without the use of environmental pollutants that are common in cleaners and strippers. It is safe to use on a variety of surfaces including linoleum, vinyl tiles, and concrete. Staticide® Anti-Static Floor Stripper will not damage or dull flooring when used at proper dilutions, stripper is balanced so that neutral cleaning is not necessary.
4010 Acrylic ESD Floor Stripper comes in both a case of 4 gallons concentrate (makes 20 gallons ready-to-use) or 5 gallon pail of concentrate (makes 25 gallons ready-to-use). The concentrate mixes 4 parts water to 1 part concentrate.