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  • Overview
  • Specs
  • Cure
  • Application

4034 ProGrout Polyurea Concrete Quick Repair | Ultra Low Viscosity | Apply Low Temp -20°F | Low Odor

4034  is a very rapid setting, low odor high strength polyurea concrete repair polymer for high traffic concrete floor areas such as busy loading docks that need repair  but can’t afford to be out of service long.

The 4034 with its ultra low viscosity (18-20 cps), self leveling formula will nano-lock to the concrete and completely fill deep cracks, holes and spalls of all sizes quickly with back-in-service drive over times as low as 30 minutes.  In as short as 5-10 minutes, the 4034 becomes hard enough to allow use of an industrial grinder to smooth out the repair to become even with the floor surface.

The 4034 is effective in the worst of repair situations including deeply spalled, damaged or cracked concrete surfaces and broken control joint walls. Concrete can be repaired in extremely cold conditions down to -20°F (-26°C) for bridges, parking decks, warehouse floors, cold storage facilities, basement & garage floors.

4034 can be used as a grout, mixing with sand 2:1 by volume (2 parts sand to 1 part 4034), a pourable slurry mixing with sand 1:1 by volume (1 part sand to 1 part 4034) or the 4034 can be poured into sand pre-positioned in the repair area. Use of sand increases durability and improves chip resistance of repair and makes for a lower cost project.  See this Project Example.  For small cracks the 4034 can be poured directly into a crack, with its thin viscosity it will go almost anywhere that water will go.

4034 Polyurea Concrete Repair is on the Costco master specs in CSI Division 3   ( 03317, 03320, 03930 ) for both new construction and maintenance concrete repair projects.

Available in 2 gallon kits, 10 gallon kits and dual cartridge kits (300 ml x 300 ml) for easy application especially in small cracks.  4034 is also available in 2 set times, a very fast working time of 2-3 min for quicker full load back in service times as quick as 30 min and slow set with 3-5 min working time and full back in service time of 40 min.

Where is the 4034 Polyurea used?

  • Loading docks
  • Warehouse and factory concrete floors
  • Cold storage food & beverage facilities
  • Parking decks & garages
  • All interior concrete spall/damage repair
  • Vertical cracks via cartridge injection
  • Rebuilding control joint walls, floor repair
  • Knitting cracked concrete with rebar
  • Shallow spalls on warehouse floors
  • Bridge deck repair
  • Fine fractures in pavement
  • Fill & repair spalls before coating
  • Use with 7001 Polyurethane Primer when moisture or high humidity present

Why The 4034 Polyurea Concrete Repair?

  • Back-in-service as fast as 30 min with heavy forklift loads
  • Meets OSHA fork lift operator floor facility safety, surface conditions
  • Save Bearings & Wheels On Electric Pallet Jacks and Electric Lifts.
  • Meets USDA requirements
  • Cold applications down to -20°F (-26°C)
  • Nano-locks, penetrates deep into small concrete cracks with very low viscosity
  • Fuel resistant
  • Increase productivity by providing smooth operating surface any temp
  • Reduces facility “down-time” & maintenance man hours
  • Mix with sand for additional strength for larger crack and holes repairs
  • High tensile strength & durability (as strong or stronger than surrounding concrete)
  • Very low voc <5 g/L and Low odor


Color Medium Gray
Application method 1.) poured out of buckets/cups directly into the repair area 2.) mixed with sand to form a grout  3.)  poured into a repair area with pre-positioned sand. 4.)
Elongation 8%
Concrete Cure 28 days before use
Paintable 4034 is paintable
Solids 70%
Tear Strength ASTM 624-C 200 psi
Tensile ASTM D412 4500 filled
Hardness ASTM D2240 Shore D 70
Viscosity 18-20 cps @25C mixed
OSHA Meets requirements for OSHA floor facility safety and surface conditions for fork lift operators
Mix Ratio 1:1
VOC A 2.5 g/L, B 4.5 g/L
Gel Times 2-5 minutes @75F
Tack Free ASTM 2471 5-10 minutes
Shelf Life 12 months when stored between 40F and 100F



Concrete must have a minimum 28 day cure prior to application. The area must be dry. Clean the surface and remove all unsound concrete, dust and debris. Prepare surface using a dry diamond blade or a twisted wire wheel for spalls. Cut perimeter of damage with dry diamond blade to form a key- way. Cracks; open the crack to provide some depth to the crack to allow the product to penetrate deep into the crack.


Application in Bulk
Mix 4034 at a 1:1 ratio (A&B). Use a Jiffy Mixer or other multi blade mechanical mixer. No paddle mixers. Mix part A and B mechanically at high speed for approximately 30-40 seconds.

Use mixed product as a primer for the bottom of the repair.

Improper mixing may result in product failure.

For best mixing results and proper blending of parts A and B, recommend a Jiffy Mixer style drill mixer.

Preplacing Method (typically smaller crack repairs)

Prepare the area and add mixed 4034 product to the sides and bottom of the repair area as a primer. Add #30 Grit select sand into the repair. If the repair is deep work in layers adding sand as product is added. As the product saturates the sand, add more sand and product.  Finish with a broadcast of sand slightly above grade and grind as needed for a completely smooth surface with surrounding area.

The preplace sand method can be done purchasing 4034 in both bulk 2 gallon and 10 gallon kits.

Grout Repair (typically larger repair areas)

Prepare the area and add mixed 4034 product to the sides and bottom of the repair area as a primer.  Then add one part of mixed (A&B) product to two parts select sand, i.e., 1 pint of A + 1 pint of B added to 2 quarts of sand. Blend mixed product into sand quickly. Mix product and sand for another 30 seconds and immediately pour into the prepared and primed application area. Work into the repair area quickly. Screed to finished grade and allow to set, top surface with product as needed, broadcast additional sand as needed.

For better finished repair surface, pour grout mix slightly high above the finished grade. Allow product to set and grind using a grinder fitted with a Zec wheel. Work in circular motion to grind/smooth to finished grade. Seal the surface using mixed product neat with no sand.

Vertical cracks may be repaired using 4034 from duplex cartridges, static mixers and ports for the static mixer to fit into. Set ports over the crack to be injected. Seal over the ports and over the crack using ASTC’s Bond Seal 830 for the vertical cap seal. Allow the Bond Seal 830 to set for about 30 to 40 minutes before injection. Use only ports that fit the static mixers as supplied with the duplex cartridges. Do not change static mixers or ports as the two items are designed to fit together. Place the end of the static mixer into the preplaced port. Slowly and evenly dispense the product using the duplex cartridge gun. Watch the product flow as the mixed product exits the static mixer and flows/travels into the repair area. Monitor the progress of the product as it moves up to the next port above. When the product reaches the next port above the one being injected, remove the static mixer from the port, seal the port with the provided plug and move up to the next port and begin the operation again.

Set time is predicated on the temperature of the substrate. Typically the product will gel in 4 to 5 minutes at about 70 degrees F. The product will harden in 10 to 15 minutes and the ports can be removed. Seal the blemish left by the port using the 830. Sand, sack or finish as needed prior to coating the surface.  Exterior applications should be ground and allowed to set for 1 to 2 days before coating.

Use xylene or equivalent solvent to clean up application tools

Set Time
Three to four minutes, hard for traffic in about fifteen minutes, final cure 24 hours. For more working time in cold conditions pre-condition the product in the freezer or cold area prior to use about 45 minutes.  Cold Conditions Pre-condition the product temperature for use at cold temperatures @ approximately 70F or to slow product set time keep product cool or cold. Call ASTC for additional information.


  • Do not use on wet surfaces or expose part A to moisture prior to application  This product is moisture sensitive and should not be applied to wet surfaces
  • The 4034 is not intended as a joint filler.  If used as a joint filler, thermal cycles may cause a crack along the sides of the joint.   Likewise, reflective cracking may occur if used as a joint filler and the joint is over coated, showing a crack through the topcoat.
  • Product may bond damaged slabs together and may stop movement.  Not intended for use where substrate movement is required
  • Product will cure considerably faster in warm or hot conditions and slower in cold conditions.  Do not use a product that is hot.
  • 4034 can be top coated with the ASTC 5500 Polyaspartic, however, in areas where the repair and top coat will be exposed to direct sunlight, shadowing or staining of top coat can occur In these areas allow the set product, after it has been ground, to be allowed additional cure time to avoid future staining.
  • 4034 can be used outside but due to differences in the repair product density compared to that of the concrete, a small hairline fracture may develop along the bond line of the repair and the concrete. 4034 is an aromatic product and will discolor when exposed to UV but will not be physically changed.

NOTICE TO BUYER: DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ON OUR LIABILITY We warrant that our products are manufactured to strict quality assurance specifications and that the information supplied by us is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Such information supplied about our products is not a representation or a warranty. It is supplied on the condition that you shall make your own tests to determine the suitability of our product for your particular purpose. Any use or application other than recommended herein is the sole responsibility of the user. Listed physical properties are typical and should not be construed as specifications. NO WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING SUCH OTHER INFORMATION, THE DATA ON WHICH IT IS BASED, OR THE RESULTS YOU WILL OBTAIN FROM ITS USE. N0 WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE MERCHANTABLE OR THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY IS MADE THAT THE USE OF SUCH INFORMATION OR OUR PRODUCT WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON ANY PATENT. We shall have no liability for incidental or consequential damages, direct or indirect. Our liability is limited to the net selling price of our product or the replacement of our product, at our option. Acceptance of delivery of our product means that you have accepted the terms of this warranty whether or not purchase orders or other documents state terms that vary from this warranty. No representative is authorized to make any representation or warranty or assume any other liability on our behalf with any sale of our products. Our products contain chemicals that may CAUSE SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY. BEFORE USING, READ THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET AND FOLLOW ALL PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT BODILY HARM.


Temperature Working Time Ready to Grind Foot Traffic Forklift Traffic
75F 2-3 min 5-10 min 20 min 30 min
75F 3-5 min 10-15 min 30 min 40 min
