Company opening new warehouse with an 8,000 sq’ concrete floor wanted to apply a clear color commercial grade, professional coating system to protect and decorate their floor from pallet jack and heavy foot traffic. They chose the 6009 Epoxy Clear 100% solids as basecoat, E322HW Urethane Clear semi-gloss as high solids topcoat and to fill in the control joints with a smooth even finished appearance, they used the 3004 Polyurea 100% solids Control Joint Filler.
Process Workflow for 8,000 sq’ Project:
Day 1: Grinding
Day 2: Grinding
Day 3: Cleaning
Day 4: Control Joint Filler
Day 5: Epoxy
Day 6: Urethane
They used a concrete diamond grinder over the concrete surface to achieve a 60 to 100 grit sandpaper like feel. To clean the floor they first vacuumed and then used a Clarke Floor Scrubber machine. The 3004 Polyurea Control Joint Filler was applied using a twin cartridge hand pump gun. Overfilling the joint, 15 minutes later the a shaving tool was used to remove excess material for a joint level with the concrete.
Using a 3 man application team for the floor coatings, customer commented on using the team approach: It is a fast moving project that required everyone to be doing their job efficiently. The 6009 Epoxy and E322HW Urethane were both applied with one person mixing/pouring over a defined grid area, one person squeeging product over the same grid and completing the application one person doing a dry backroll (letting weight of roller do the work). A grid process (floor was divided in 24 grids, one for each 3 gallon kit of epoxy and 9 grids, one for each 3 gallon kit of urethane) was used as an easy way to ensure a smooth even coverage.
Customer said regarding application tools: “We found that this is a job that you need the right tools (notched squeegee, spiked roller, spike shoes, 18” high quality rollers, roller extension pole, jiffy mixers (2), drills (2), mixing buckets, 5 gallon buckets, gloves).”
Overall Project Comments from customer:
“We love how the floor turned out. At the end of the day, we are really glad we did this job, and we are really glad we went with you and exterior performance coatings! Thanks for everything! The documentation that is provided on your website was clear and allowed us to decide on the correct products for our usage (along with your suggestions on how much product should be applied / ordered). It really was a pleasure working with you!!”
Project Location: Briarcliff Manor, NY
Company: Black Paint Productions, LLC
Project Size: 8,000 sq’
6009 Epoxy Clear 100% Solids: Basecoat applied at 110 sq’/gallon (14.5 mils thick DFT – dry film thickness)
E322HW Urethane Clear High Solids : Topcoat for additional abrasion & chemical resistance applied at 300 sq’/gallon (3.2 mils thick DFT)
3004 Polyurea Control Joint Filler Filled all control joints using twin cartridge hand gun with 24 cartridge kits of 3004 Polyurea
Date: 2020
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