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Color-Lok Semi-Transparent Acrylic Siloxane Penetrating Stain Tint Base

Rainguard Color-Lok™ Acrylic Siloxane Semi-Transparent Stain is a premium quality, modified acrylic penetrating stain fortified with siloxane for use on concrete, masonry and wood surfaces to provide excellent color and enhanced moisture protection. The addition of ultraviolet light absorbers, color stabilizers and penetrating agents dramatically improve adhesion and its resistance to the chipping, cracking and flaking of traditional exterior paints, ensuring long lasting performance.

The deep penetrating formula does not change surface texture, maintaining the natural look and texture of the surface.  It is easy to apply and is used in a wide range of commercial and residential projects. Color-Lok™ semi-transparent adds water repellency to whatever surface it is applied to.

Comes in 3 mfg pre-mixed colors or create your own custom color using one of 3 available tint bases: pastel, accent & deep.  Custom colors require mixing with standard water based colorant used to tint acrylic household paints.  Colorant is available online or at any retail paint store where they can mix it for you.  Available in both semi-transparent and solid color formulations. A wide range of tint base formulas are available for the Color-Lok Stain.   Select your desired color using the  Dulux Master Pallette  by Akzo Nobel (formerly ICI  Paints and Glidden).  After selecting the color you are interested in you can use the attached charts to determine the tinting formula for the semi-transparent or solid color  Color-lok.  These formula’s may need some adjusting but should get you close to the color you want.

Where is Color-lok used?

  • Construction & Remodel Projects:   Commercial building exterior walls, floors subject to light foot traffic
  • Homeowner projects:  Exterior walls, decks, patios, porches, fences, outdoor furniture

Why Color-lok?

  • 5 year labor and material warranty
  • Exclusive Micro-lok penetrating formulation
  • Does not change the surface texture
  • Rich uniform look, dries to a dead flat finish to minimize flashing & lap marks
  • Superior moisture control performance
  • Breathable – does not trap moisture
  • Tint to any color – available in pastel, deep, accent, clear tint base.:
  • Apply down to 40°F (4.4°C)
  • Quick 2 hour recoat time
  • Highly resistant to UV rays
  • Mix with Micro-seal for additional transparency to customize the semi-transparent look
  • For horizontal surfaces, best performance when Colorlok is top coated with Rainguard Satin-lok Acrlyic Sealer or Rainguard Clear-seal Urethane Sealer for added clear protection
  • 100% Eco-friendly: low VOC


Color Use one of 3 tint bases to make your own color using water based colorant compatible with acrylic paint
Sheen/Gloss Level Flat Sheen
Dry To Re-Coat 2 hours
#Coats Recommended 1 – 2 coats
Back in-service time 24 hours to walk-on
Application method Low pressure hand pump or airless sprayer, brush, roller
Where Can it be Used All Interior|Exterior architectural surfaces
Apply to New Concrete 10 days
Low Application Temperature 40F|4.4C Surface & Air
 Base  Water
VOC Content <50 g/L
Use on Material All masonry, concrete and wood surfaces
Warranty Available 5 year warranty available –  download warranty application to register, see DOCUMENTS tab above

Leed 4.2 (1) point credit available Meets LEED and SQAMD low VOC requirements
Porous Surfaces 125 – 175
Dense Surfaces 150 – 200
*Textured surfaces Decreases coverage rates


Temperature (surface|air) 50F to 90F (10C to 35C) and at least 5F above dew point
Moisture of substrate Less than 15%
Humidity Less than 90%
Rain No rain 48 hrs prior to, 48 hrs after application
Cure time for newly poured concrete Apply 10 days after pour
Application method Use low pressure hand pump or garden sprayer, t-bar, brush, lambs wool applicator

1.  Rainguard COLOR-LOK is best and most economically applied using commercial airless spray equipment set at moderate pressures using a tip of .015 to .021. For appli-cation to horizontal surfaces, materials may be sprayed or rolled using a short nap roller. Back rolling may be necessary to even the applied finish.
Spray apply one coat of COLOR-LOK to surfaces at the suggested rates depending on color, surface type, and porosity. To avoid lap marks, maintain a continuous wet edge. Feath er edges at the end of each pass. Stop appli-cation only at control joints, corners, and edges. If a “heavier” painted look is needed, apply additional coats.

2. All surfaces to be coated should be structurally sound, clean, and dry. Kill mold, mildew, and fungus using com-mercially available cleaners or a 50/50 mix of bleach and water. Make sure all residue is rinsed prior to coating application.

3.  Mix contents thoroughly prior to application. To prevent skinning, cover pail with a damp cloth.

1. All surfaces to be coated should be clean of any dirt and grime, efflorescence, lime run, form oils and release agents, grease, mud, excess mortar, and mold and mildew, etc.
2. All cracks should be pointed or caulked. All voids, bee holes, masonry surface defects and openings such as conduits, pipes, drains, door frames, vents, air conditioner openings, electrical openings, control joints, or any dissimilar materials should be repaired using urethane or other approved patching.

Store materials in a well-protected area between 45° and 90°F. Avoid freezing temperatures, direct sunlight, and moisture. Keep away from heat sources.
