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Product Description

800 Digital Electronic Megohmmeter

The ACL 800 Digital Megohmmeter is a dependable and easy-to-use digital audit kit that is designed to test static dissipative surfaces for electrical resistivity and resistance according to industry standards such as ANSI/ESD test methods S4.1, S7.1, and STM11.11. Tests are easy to perform with or without the 5-lb probes. Unlike analog meters with LEDs, the digital LCD window of the ACL 800 shows test results in actual values rather than the decade within which the measurement falls, with decimal digital readings to 2nd place. Additionally, since ambient conditions can affect resistivity, the ACL 800 measures resistance, resistivity, temperature, and humidity with the push of one button, making the ACL 800 the ideal megohmmeter for auditing.

This meter is suitable to use in all facets of material production, including engineering, maintenance, quality control, incoming inspection, manufacturing, research, and sales. It is ideal for the testing of anti-static mats, floor finishes, paints, wrist straps, smocks, foot wear, bags and containers. Meter is warranted by mfg for one year from the date of purchase on parts and labor. Calibration is recommended every twelve months.

Meter is available in both Fahrenheit and Celsius scales.

What Does 800 Meter Kit Include?

  • One digital tester with conductive rubber rails for testing resistivity in ohms per square
  • Two 5-lb probes for testing resistance point to point (RTT) and resistance to ground (RTG)
  • Two cables for probes and an additional cable for grounding meter
  • 9-volt battery
  • 110-volt adapter for Fahrenheit models
  • Foam-lined carrying case
  • Calibration certificate traceable to NIST
  • The 800 Meter is available with either a digital Fahrenheit or Celsius scale.

Where is 800 used?

  • Packaging and assembly lines, material production including engineering, maintenance, quality control, incoming inspection, manufacturing, research, and sales departments
  • Great for testing anti-static mats, floor finishes, paints, wrist straps, smocks, foot wear, bags and containers

Why 800 Megohmmeter?

  • High Performance Digital Megohmeter Kit
  • Measures Surface Resistivity, Resistance, Temperature, Humidity
  • Measurement range for 10v resistance is from 103 to 106
  • Measurement range for 100v resistance is from 106 to 1012
  • Accuracy ±10% at 103 – 108
  • Using (2) supplied 5 lb weights comply to IEC 61340-4-1, ANSI S4.1 & ANSI S7.1 to Measure Point to Point & Resistance to Ground
  • Includes calibration certificate traceable to NIST
  • Available in both Fahrenheit & Celsius scales
  • View ACL 800 User Manual
TEST VOLTAGE Applied test voltages using the 800 Test Meter are 10v and 100v. According to ESDA standards S4.1, S7.1, and S11.11 one should choose 10v for conductive surfaces less than 106 and 100v for materials 106 or greater. If the meter cannot apply the correct voltage automatically, it will advise you to change to the proper setting manually. Use the switch in front of the meter to change voltage setting. As defined by the ESD Association, values indicate the following: Voltage Range Definition 10 volt < 106 ohms per square Conductive 100 volt 106 – 1011 ohms per square Dissipative 100 volt > 1011 ohms per square Insulative
MEASURING WITH EXTERNAL ELECTRODES When the measurement is taken using the 5-lb external probes supplied with the 800 Test Meter, the tester will indicate the resistance of the material being tested once the button is pressed (value is in ohms, though the display says ohms/sq). When a probe is plugged into the appropriate socket, the associated internal electrode is disengaged. By connecting these probes to the ACL 800’s sockets it is possible to measure Point to Point (RTT) Resistance, Surface to Ground (RTG), and Volume Resistance. Using these probes will allow compliancy with various standards including ANSI/ESDA S4.1 for Worksurface – Resistance Measurements, ANSI/ESDA S7.1 Resistive Characterization of Materials – Floor Materials.
Measuring Resistance Point to Point (RTT) RTT measurements using the 800 Test Meter can be used for the evaluation of floors, chairs, carts, work surfaces and other ESD-controlled materials and products. Procedures vary regarding sample preparation, probe preparation and spacing of the 5-lb probes. Select and read the correct test procedure or standard for the desired measurement. Test procedures can be purchased from www.esda.org.
MEASURING RESISTANCE TO GROUND (RTG) Resistance to ground measurements using the 800 Test Meter can be used for the evaluation of floors, chairs, carts, work surfaces and other ESD controlled materials and products. Keeping a record of test results for temperature, humidity and electrical properties will provide a reference.
AN EXAMPLE OF MEASURING RTG ON DISSIPATIVE FLOORING: For Testing Resistance on Floors, S7.1 requires a minimum of five RTG tests per 5,000 sq. ft. Connect the leads for the external probes to the meter. Attach one lead to a 5-lb probe and place probe on the floor that’s being tested. Attach the other lead to an alligator clip and connect to ground or a groundable point (RTGP). If using a ground adapter plug, plug the banana lead into the adaptor after the adapter is plugged into the receptacle.

Technical Information

Accuracy 103 – 108ohms: 10% 109 – 1010ohms: 15% 1011 – 1012ohms: 25%
Digital Readout Alphanumeric LCD scale shows actual values
Test Voltage Range 10-volts/100-volts
Resistance Range  10³ – 10¹² ohms/square
Resistivity Range 10³ – 10¹² ohms/square
Relative Humidity Range 10% to 90% RH
Temperature Range 32°F to 100°F (0°C – 37.7°C)
Power Supply 9-volt alkaline battery.  110-volt adapter supplied with Fahrenheit scale models
