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Vinyl Flake Fan Deck Sales Tool

The Vinyl Flake Fan Deck is a great Sales Sample and Selling Tool for showcasing the unique decorative look that comes from using beautiful colored vinyl flakes.  The Fan deck comes with (34) fan blades, (30) 1/4″ vinyl flake blends, (1) 1/8″ and (1) 1/16″ so you can see what other popular sizes look like.

This compact marketing tool contains actual vinyl flakes (without clear topcoat) displayed in a traditional fan deck style format for portable use and quick display of 32 of the many factory color blend options available.

Order Vinyl Flakes Here  Vinyl Flakes Factory Blend Options

What Colors Are Displayed on The Fan Deck?

Sku # Color Flake Name Size
1 FB-513 COYOTE 1/4″
2 FB-513 COYOTE 1/8″
3 FB-513 COYOTE 1/16″
4 FB-806 STONEY CREEK 1/4″
5 FB-823 DOVETAIL 1/4″
6 FB-977 THYME 1/4″
7 FB-807 TIDAL WAVE 1/4″
8 FB-966 LOON 1/4″
9 FB-714 MUSHROOM 1/4″
10 FB-968 WAXWING 1/4″
11 FB-972 SPARROW 1/4″
12 FB-905 FEATHER GRAY 1/4″
13 FB-915 RAVEN 1/4″
14 FB-715 NIGHTFALL 1/4″
15 FB-616 WOMBAT 1/4″
16 FB-414 GRAVEL 1/4″
17 FB-127 CABIN FEVER 1/4″
18 FB-716 CREEKBED 1/4″
19 FB-421 SHORELINE 1/4″
20 FB-517 OUTBACK 1/4″
21 FB-411 DOMINO 1/4″
22 FB-310 ORBIT 1/4″
23 F9202 CARBON 1/4″
24 F9311 DOLERITE 1/4″
25 F9309 BASALT 1/4″
26 F9307 SCHIST 1/4″
27 F9303 PUMICE 1/4″
28 F9317 METAPALITE 1/4″
29 F9305 GARNET 1/4″
30 F9304 OBSIDIAN 1/4″
31 F9205 SABLE 1/4″
32 F9313 SPILITE 1/4″

Why The Vinyl Flake Fan Deck?

  • Great Sales Sample and Selling Tool
  • Great Way To Visualize 32 different vinyl flake color blend combinations
  • Quickly Show Customers How You Can Make Their Floor Look Great using decorative Vinyl Flakes
  • Actual Vinyl Flake 1/4″ Samples
