Home Flooring Renovated with Metallic Marbled Epoxy System
A homeowner in Virginia wanted her basement office space to have an eye-catching floor. To accomplish that, she decided to install a Metallic Marbled Epoxy System.
Prior to beginning her project, she thoroughly prepped the flooring surface using a Concrete Diamond Grinder to rough up the concrete surface to 60-100 sandpaper grit feel. Grinding the concrete is an essential step when applying an epoxy system as it ensures that the coatings will properly adhere to the concrete.
Then came the 3-Step Application Procedure:
Step 1: She applied a Decorative Primer Coat consisting of 3 Gallons of HyperREZ Epoxy with Black E-Poly Pigment mixed into it. This black basecoat serves a very important role in determining how the metallic pigments will come across and preventing the color of the concrete from “telescoping” through the metallic pigments.
Step 2: She applied a thick metallics layer for maximum 3-D affect, using 9 gallons of our 100% Solids Industrial Quality HyperREZ Clear Epoxy. Into this coat, she mixed in 6 containers of Twilight Metallic Pigment and 3 containers of Dolphin Pigment
Step 3: She applied a protective topcoat of 4.5 Quarts of the 85% Solids Aspartic 85 Polyapartic. The reason for a topcoat is to protect the system below from impacts and abrasions that can occur from normal foot traffic.
Project Location: Falls Church, VA
Project: Basement Office
Project Size: 500 sq’
HyperREZ 100% Epoxy: 2 coats of Industrial Grade HyperREZ Epoxy: one coat mixed with black pigment as the decorative primer (3 gallons at 165 sq’/gallon), the second coat as the metallic basecoat with total of (9 Gallons at 55 sq’/gallon)
E-Poly Pigment: Black E-poly Pigment added at the rate of 2 oz per gallon to the HyperREZ Epoxy as a primer to backlight the metallic base and prevent the concrete color from telescoping through
Metallic Epoxy Color Pigment: A combination of (6) 4 oz containers of Twilight pigment and (3) 4 oz containers of Dolphin pigment at the rate of one container per gallon HyperREZ Epoxy
Aspartic 85 Polyaspartic: Finished with a clear protective topcoat of 85% Solids Aspartic 85 Clear Polyaspartic (4.5 Quarts Total)
Date: 2018
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