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Quartz Granule Fan Deck Sales Tool

The Quartz Granule Fan Deck is a great Sales Sample and Selling Tool for showcasing the unique look that comes from using the beautiful colored quartz granules.  The Fan deck comes with 25 of the most popular quartz granule blends in Grade 40-S.

This compact marketing tool contains actual quartz granules in the popular Grade 40-S displayed in a traditional fan deck style format for portable use and quick display of the 25 color blend options available.

Order Quartz Granules Here  Quartz Granule Factory Blend Options

What Blends Are on The Deck?

Sku # Blend Name Size
1 QB-1001 CRYSTAL 40-S
2 QB-1002 TUNDRA 40-S
3 QB-1003 SOLSTICE 40-S
4 QB-1004 OYSTER 40-S
5 QB-1005 OXFORD 40-S
6 QB-2014 SANDHILL 40-S
7 QB-1012 COCONUT 40-S
8 QB-1013 BISCUIT 40-S
9 QB-1014 DAVENPORT 40-S
10 QB-1024 FIREHOUSE 40-S
11 QB-1025 RUBY 40-S
12 QB-2012 CARDINAL 40-S
13 QB-2011 LIGHTHOUSE 40-S
14 QB-1018 NEW MOON 40-S
15 QB-1019 MARINA 40-S
16 QB-1020 CLEARWATER 40-S
17 QB1017 AQUARIUM 40-S
18 QB-2006 ICICLE 40-S
19 QB-1006 QUICKSAND 40-S
20 QB-2007 RIVERBANK 40-S
21 QB-1007 DALMATIAN 40-S
22 QB-1008 ECLIPSE 40-S
23 QB-1009 MATRIX 40-S
24 QB-1010 TWILIGHT 40-S
25 QB-2005 EQUINOX 40-S


Why The Quartz Granule Fan Deck?

  • Great Sales Sample and Selling Tool
  • Great Way To Visualize 25 different quartz granule color blend combinations
  • Quickly Show Customers How You Can Make Their Floor Look Great using Quartz Granules
  • Actual Quartz Granule Grade 40-S Samples
